The Development of Integrative Theme Based Instructional Materials Containing Characteristics Values of Fifth Grade Elementary Schools in Surakarta, Indonesia

This research is aimed to 1) develop theme based instructional materials containing characteristics values which are appropriate to be used as supporting learning materials and to improve students’ comprehension; 2) find the effectiveness from the development of integrative theme based instructional materials containing characteristics values. The developed instructional materials are in the form of student books. The research method employed here was research and development which was arranged in three stages, namely experts’ validation, limited try out, and wide tryout. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis. Meanwhile, the subjects of the research are expert validators and elementary school students in grade V SD in the city of Surakarta. The research was carried out at the fifth grade of elementary schools which have implemented theme based learning of Curriculum 2013 in Surakarta. Limited try out was carried in SD Negeri Kleco, while wide try out was carried out in 2 school in SD Negeri Kratonan and SD Negeri Bulukantil. The instruments of the research were the instructional materials’ properness assessment, questionnaire, and questions sheet. The result of the experts validation for the instructional materials is 91,6%. The result of the limited try out of instructional materials gets the average of 88,7%. The result of the instructional materials wide material’ test has the average of 96,36%. the value of Sig The computation of simple paired t-test acquire. = 0,000 in each sample, where the value of α=0.05, since the value of Sig.< α, it can be concluded that the data of pretest and post-test are really significantly different and there is significance influence of the use of integrative theme based instructional materials towards students’ comprehension. The result of the research are (1) the instructional material contains developed characteristics values which are appropriate to be used; (2) the developed the instructional material are effective to be used in the learning process.


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