Strategy for Increasing The Students’ Interpersonal Communication Skills through Problem-Based Learning

This research aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-based learning to increase the students’ interpersonal communication skills. This research was conducted at State Primary School Pilangsari 3 and State Primary School Ngarum 1, Ngrampal District, Sragen. The sample used in this research included 2 teachers and 58 students. The research used quantitative research method with a quasi-experimental type. The data were collected by means of tests, interviews and observations. The validity test used Aiken's content validity and the reliability test used Product Moment. The requirement test used the normality test from Lilliefors while the homogeneity test used the one from Bartlett. Independent t-test was used as the technique of data analysis. The results of this research show that t-arithmetic 4.469 > t-table 1.645 with a significance level of 5%. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that problem-based learning is effective to increase the students’ interpersonal communication skills. Likewise, the results of interviews and observations show that the students' interpersonal communication skills increases after the implementation of problem-based learning


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