The Application Group Investigation (GI) Learning Model assisted Phet to Facilitate Student Scientific Work Skills

The study aims to measure the skills of scientific work of students using group investigation model with Phet. This research is a quasi-experimental or quasi-experimental research. Quasi-experimental research is also the development of the true experiment. The research design used is non-equivalent control group design. The researcher was unable to control external variables that influenced the results in this quasi-experimental study. The research design used is non-equivalent control group design. The researcher was unable to control external variables that influenced the results in this quasi-experimental study. The population in this study were all students of X MIA-3 and X MIA-4 on 2nd semester at SMA Negeri 1 Banguntapan in academic year of 2017/2018. Sample selection is by cluster random sampling technique with two classes, where the modeling class is MIA X-3 and X and implementing class is X MIA-4. The results showed that the skills of the scientific work of students who use the model of Cooperative Learning Group Type Group Investigation with Phet in modeling class or implementing class have the same results with good category that are 80.01% and 77.3%. This suggests that learning to use the model of Group Investigation (GI) with Phet make scientific work skills of learners in the Good category.


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