Application of Cooperative Learning Jigsaw Type to Improve Learning Outcomes of Economic Introduction and Business

This study aims to analyze the improvement of student learning outcomes by applying the jigsaw type cooperative learning model on the introductory subjects of economics and business basic competence of production costs. This research is a Classroom Action Research. Subjects and location is the students of class X Accounting 3 SMK Sejahtera Surabaya. Learning tools consist of syllabus, Learning Implementation Plan, learning material, Student Worksheet, and post test sheet. While the instrument used is a student observation sheet. The results showed that student activity increased 9.52% from cycle I 76.19% to 85.71% in cycle II. Students classical completeness increased by 16.22% from cycle I 64.86% to 81.08% in cycle II. It shows that jigsaw type cooperative learning model can improve learning outcomes on introductory subjects of economics and business students of class X Accounting 3 SMK Sejahtera Surabaya.


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