Development of Video Media Based on Powtoon in Social Sciences

The development of science and technology cannot be separated from the world of education, one component that is affected is the media used in the learning process. The purpose of this study was to identify the process of developing Powtoon-based video media, the quality of Powtoon-based video media developed, and the effectiveness of Powtoon-based video media to improve learning outcomes in social studies. Powtoon-based video media were developed using ASSURE development models, namely: 1) Analyze Learner, 2) State Objectives, 3) Select Methods, Media and Materials, 4) Utilize Media and Materials, 5) Require Learner Participation, and 6) Evaluate and Revise. The quality of Powtoon-based video media based on expert validation (material and media) and product trials obtained results of 4,23 with very good and appropriate categories for use in learning processes. The research design used was an experimental design. the sample used in the effectiveness test was 58 students in two different elementary schools. Students are divided into two, namely 29 students for the experimental class and 29 students for the control class. The results of the Powtoon-based video media effectiveness test on learning outcomes obtained an average value in the control class of 65.52 and the average value in the experimental class was 76.90. Sig value (2-tailed) obtained at the Independent Sample-T Test of 0.002. The result of the sig value. (2-tailed) 0.002 < 0.05 This indicates that there are significant differences in learning outcomes between the control class and the experimental class.


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