Learning together assisted with of 7-in-1 box: Creating Effectiveness of Mathematic Learning outcomes of Elementary School

The implementation of learning model along with the manipulative tools is a key of achievement of mathematic learning. The combination of learning together model and manipulative tool of 7 in 1 box is one of options for teacher in teaching mathematic in elementary school, because it has great effect of learning outcomes. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of learning together model assisted with 7 in 1 box toward the result of mathematic learning on 4rth grade students of SDN Gugus Bisma. This is a quasi experimental study using nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The population of 4th grade students of SDN Gugus Bisma was 135. Meanwhile, the sampling was conducted by using cluster sampling and it was obtained that 4th grade students of SDN 1 Sokawera as many as 30 students as experiment class and 4th grade of SDN 3 Sokawera as 25 students as control class. Data analysis by using z-test, gain and N-gain test, t-test. From the result of z-test it was obtained that z-table =1,64, on experiment class (z-score = 3,16) and control (z-score = 2.89). the result of analysis of gain test shows that the gain value of experiment class=22 and control class=15, meanwhile N-gain test shows that N-gain of experiment class= 0.58 and control class =0.40. both class show the increase of learning outcome of medium categ ory. From T-test it was obtaine tscore (4.41) > t-table (1.705), thus Ho was rejected. The conclusion shows that the implementation of learning together assisted with 7 in 1 box effective in increasing the study result of mathematic on 4th grade students of SDN Gugus Bisma


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