The Effect of RME on Mathematics Learning Outcomes Viewed Mathematic Communication Skills

This study aims to determine whether or not arethere 1) differences in mathematics learning outcomes between students who take learning with the Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach and students who take learning with Scientific models; 2) differences in mathematics learning outcomes between students who have high, medium, and low mathematical communication skills; 3) the interaction between the learning models used with mathematical communication skills in improving mathematics learning outcomes. This research is an experimental research with a 2x3 factorial design, with a population of all grade 3 students at the Kalam Kudus Christian Elementary School in 2017/2018 Academic Year. Samples from this study were 50 students taken with the Simple Random Sampling technique, each taken 25 people for the experimental group and 25 people for the control group. Results of this study 1) Mathematics learning outcomes of students who take lessons with the RME approach are better than those who follow learning with Scientific approaches. 2) There are differences in mathematics learning outcomes between students who have high, medium, and low mathematical communication skills. 3) There is no interaction between learning models with mathematical communication skills in improving mathematics learning outcomes.


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