Analysis of Students' Science Process Skills on the Concept of Material Classification and its Changes in the Junior High School

This study aimed to describe the science process skills (SPS) possessed by students, as well as how to empower them for students. These skills were measured using written assessment instruments. The research method used in this research was descriptive. Data collection instruments in this study were multiple-choice test instruments. The research subjects were 38 students of VII class, consisting of 23 females and 15 males in one of the junior high schools in the City of South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. The results showed the reliability of the test questions was 0.76 with a high category; the level of difficulty, which was in the medium category, was as many as 20 questions, and eight questions included in the category of easy and difficult. The distinguishing features of the questions belonged to a quite good category. The SPS owned by students gained an average of 61%, which means in the good category. The SPS empowerment of students can be done with learning models, methods, and approaches that support it, such as the Project base learning, Inquiry, and Problem base Learning experimental methods, and scientific approaches.


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