Prediction-Observation-Explanation (POE) Method and Its Efficiency in Teaching “Work, Energy, Power” Concepts

With the developing technology educating students free from misconceptions, making sense of their learnings and using them in daily life are primarily aimed. This research is designed not only for teaching "work, energy and power" concepts and the relationships among them but also for investigating the effects of the teaching on students' achievements under the POE method. 6 students from the 9th grade studying at a private Anatolian High School chosen through easily accessible case sampling method, constituted the sample. 4 data collection tools (semi-structured interview, open-ended achievement test, concept map and concept cartoon) were applied. It was carried out within the scope of a single group pretest-posttest simple experimental study, a quantitative research method. For analyising the data, gap and content analysis methods were used. Thanks to the interviews, open-ended achievement test and concept map, as pre-tests, it was determined that students had many misconceptions about “work, energy, power” concepts and didn’t have any scientific knowledge about the relationships among them. The students’ drawings on these relationships were also far from scientific. After the concept teaching under POE was performed, the data collection tools were re-applied as post-tests. So, it was seen that students' misconceptions were largely eliminated by replacing them with scientifically-correct concepts and relationships as a result of that process. In the light of these findings, applying POE method in concept teaching on different classes, courses or subjects is higly recommended. Some suggestions are also made for the researchers wishing to work in this field.

Prediction-Observation-Explanation (POE) Method and Its Efficiency in Teaching “Work, Energy, Power” Concepts

With the developing technology educating students free from misconceptions, making sense of their learnings and using them in daily life are primarily aimed. This research is designed not only for teaching "work, energy and power" concepts and the relationships among them but also for investigating the effects of the teaching on students' achievements under the POE method. 6 students from the 9th grade studying at a private Anatolian High School chosen through easily accessible case sampling method, constituted the sample. 4 data collection tools (semi-structured interview, open-ended achievement test, concept map and concept cartoon) were applied. It was carried out within the scope of a single group pretest-posttest simple experimental study, a quantitative research method. For analyising the data, gap and content analysis methods were used. Thanks to the interviews, open-ended achievement test and concept map, as pre-tests, it was determined that students had many misconceptions about “work, energy, power” concepts and didn’t have any scientific knowledge about the relationships among them. The students’ drawings on these relationships were also far from scientific. After the concept teaching under POE was performed, the data collection tools were re-applied as post-tests. So, it was seen that students' misconceptions were largely eliminated by replacing them with scientifically-correct concepts and relationships as a result of that process. In the light of these findings, applying POE method in concept teaching on different classes, courses or subjects is higly recommended. Some suggestions are also made for the researchers wishing to work in this field.


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