Examining of Acting on Science and Technology Teacher's Professional Burnout Variables

This study aims at investigating variables such as demographic, self-efficacy and competence that affect burnout of science and technology teachers; discovering relationship between these variables and revealing each other degree of explanation of these variables. Working group consists of 51 science teachers who work in Zonguldak. Survey model was used in the study. Single factor variance analysis (ANOVA), simple correlation and multiple linear regression were applied. In ANOVA application, although there isn't a meaningful difference between "total burnout" means for "retirement", "considerations concerning professional future" variables in terms of groups; there is a meaningful difference between "total burnout" means for reason of the teaching profession choosing variable. It was found that those who chose the profession for economic reasons exhausted more than who chose the teaching profession because of profession love; those who chose the profession for social reasons exhausted more than who chose the teaching profession because of profession love and those who chose the profession for economic reasons exhausted more than who chose teaching profession because he/she cannot find another job. There is intermediate level, negative and significant relationship between competence and total burnout; there is intermediate level, negative and significant relationship between confidence to performance and total burnout in correlation application. According to multiple linear regression analyze results, performance of regression is about 30% for "emotional exhaustion", is about 38% for "depersonalization", is about 29% for "personal success" and is about 58% for "competence". Finally findings were discussed in the light of the related body of literature and some suggestions were made.


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