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Are The Holy Ssriptures References of Sexual Deviations or Their Excuses?

In this article anal sex, which is between male and female is studied from theview point of the religious and psychosocial aspect, regarded as a sort of the worst example relating to the human nature which is inclined towards certainimmoderations. Besides, anal sex, for all its nastiness is defended by some toconfirm its lawfulness with reference to the holy scriptures. So, we have aimed to demonstrate that anal sex isn’t indeed a healthy and an allowable sexual relation, and we have tried to present the topic having subject to Bible and Koran-centric study.


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  • İbrâhîm, Ma‘âni’l-Kur’ân ve E‘râbuh, Beyrut 1988.
  • Mâverdî, Ebu’l-Hasen Alî b. Muhammed, en-Nuket ve’l-‘Uyûn, Beyrut 1992.
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  • Beydâvî, Nâsıruddîn Ebû Saîd Abdullâh b. Ömer, Envâru’t-Tenzîl ve Esrâru’t-Te’vîl, İstanbul 1885.