İbn Sinâ'da Erdemli Yaşam

İbn Sina'nın düşünce sisteminde mutluluk (es-Sa'ade) önemli bir yer tutar,

Virtuous Life According to lbn Sina (Avicenna)

Happiness (es-Sa'ade) occupies an important place in ibn sina's thoughtsystem. According to the sage, genuine happiness being the ultimate goal of all ourendeavors, can be construed to mean reaching absolute being in the other world. İbnSina While placing great importance on happiness in the other world didn't neglect its importance in our world either, He even went on to say the acquisition of happinessin the other world, was determined on a decisive manner by the life style in thisworld. Defining humans as a social and politicat being in this context, ibn Sina,starting from the necessity for humans to live with others in order to meet theirrequirements and to realize their possibilities and develop skills, went on to identifyliving precepts for humans. Also to be able to be able to achieve a happy life, heemphasized the necessity of having to live as a community and the need to observea series of rules and regulations. He adopted the philosophy that one of thenecessary conditions of happiness was a virtuous life, and by enforcing theseprinciples a Virtuous life could be realized. On this subject; in order to achieve avirtuous life both here and in the other world, and to be happy and to be able toexpress the actions and life in this universe, İbn Sina es-Siretu'l Fadıla hasembraced the concept of (virtuous life) and has mentioned this concept in his otherWorks. This article will attempt to outline his thoughts on the virtuous life, acting fromhis(ibn sina) works, as a prerequisite for acquisition of happiness.


  • Pıeper, Annemarie, Etlğe çev, V. Atayman, G, sezer, islanbul 1999.
  • Aristoteles, N,ikhomakhos'a Ef,ik, çev. Saffet Babür, Ankara 1997.