Hava Kirliliğinin Kar Sularına Etkisi: Artvin İli Örneği

Air pollution has an important place among today's environmental problems. People can survive for a few days without food and drink. However, they can only live for a few minutes without air. The importance of the air is understood when the quality of the air has decreased. Urbanization and industry are an important factor in the air pollution. Especially fossil fuels that are used for warming in the cities during the winter months spread many pollutants to the atmosphere. These pollutants can be mixed in the atmosphere with dry and wet deposition to soil and surface waters. By wet accumulation; rain, snow and fog play an important role. In the case of snowfall, it is effective that snowflakes accumulate pollution in the atmosphere because the snow particles are bigger than the other rainfall. In this study, dissolved oxygen, NO3, turbidity, conductivity and pH analyzes were carried out in the snow water samples taken from 3 points (A, B and C points) in Seyitler Village and from 1 point in city center (D point). The results show a ranking as A> C> D for dissolved oxygen, B> A> C> D for dissolved oxygen, D> B> A> C for conductivity, D> B> C>A for turbidity and A> B> C> D sequence. When the results belonging to this study are examined, it is possible to say that in the region, the fly ash formed as a result of combustion of coal for heating and the flue gas together are absorbed by the atmospheric air and the snow particles.


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