In this study, the metaphoric perceptions of the students studying in medical faculties regarding the concept of ethics were determined. In the study, which used a phenomenology research design,  the metaphor form , which is both printed and online format, containing the expression “Ethics is like …, because …”  was used as a data collection tool. A total of 1040 medical faculty students from 29 different medical faculties participated in the study and 907 of these forms were evaluated. The study was conducted with 514 (56.67%) female and 393 (43.33%) male medical students. The data obtained were analyzed by content analysis technique. It was determined that medical students formed 375 different metaphors regarding the concept of ethics and the metaphors of moral, conscience, water, constitution, life, human, mirror and scales were used the most. It was seen that the metaphors formed by the medical students were gathered under 8 different conceptual categories as the source of life, the social order provider, changing-developing, complementary-supporting, the benefit provider, the conflict between theory and practice, the ethics related to values and negative aspects of ethics.


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