Lern mit Uns adlı Almanca Ders Kitaplarının Analizinden Hareketle Sözcük Öğretimine İlişkin Bir Kitabın Gerekliliği ve Yararı

Lern mit Uns adlı Almanca Ders Kitaplarının Analizinden Hareketle Sözcük Öğretimine İlişkin Bir Kitabın Gerekliliği ve Yararı

Foreign language learning is of importance to be realized for intersocietal communication. Both oral as well as written communication are actualized within the limits of the individual's vocabulary. Hence, a systematic acquisition of vocabulary items, or words that make up the linguistic units, must be prioritized as a topic and, thus, materials used in teaching has utmost importance. While developing foreign language course books out of these materials, many aspects including the number, variety, distribution, and usage of words, exercise types related to vocabulary teaching, and learning strategies, in addition to the subjects and grammar fields at large. In this study, the proficiency and contribution of the vocabulary presented in the regional course book titled Lern mit uns 1, 2, 3, 4 used at 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade German language courses is evaluated. It is thought that the results of this study will contribute to effective German language teaching in our country as long as they are taken into consideration throughout the designing process of German course books and if only the supplementary material developed for the purposes of such an evolving model.


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