Chlorpyriphos-ethylin rat testis dokusunda in vivo lipoperoksidatif etkisi

Amaç: Chlorpyriphos-ethyl (CE) verilen rat testis dokularında CE'nin lipoperoksidatif etkisini araştıramak. Yöntem: Deney grupları şu şekilde organize edildi: Kontrol grubu (K) ve CE verilen grup (CE). CE grubuna 0. ve 21. Saatlerde oral olarak CE uygulanırken K grubuna serum fizyolojik uygulandı. CE uygulamasının 24. saatinde deney sonlandırıldı. Doku homojenatlarında tiobarbitürik asit reaktif substans (TBARS) ve antioksidan potansiyel (AOP) düzeyleri ile süperoksit dismutaz (SOD), glutatyon peroksidaz (GSH-Px) ve katalaz (CAT) aktiviteleri çalışıldı. Ayrıca doku örnekleri ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Bulgular: TBARS CE grubunda K grubuna göre artarken AOP düşük bulundu. SOD, GSH-Px ve CAT aktivivitelerinde ise gruplar arası fark bulunmadı. Mikroskobik olarak CE grubunda K grubuna göre spermatik seri hücrelerinde azalmayla karakterize seminifer tubul dejenerasyon ve düzensizlikleri gözlendi. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlarla denebilirki, CE, nonenzimatik antioksidanlar üzerine etki ederek ratların testis doku hasarında işe karışıyor olabilir.

The in vivo lipoperoxidative effect of chlorpyriphos-ethyl on testis tissue of rats

Objective: To investigate the lipoperoxidative effect of chlorpyriphos-ethyl (CE) on testis tissues of rats. Methods: The experimental groups were as follows: Control group (K) and CE treated group (CE). CE was applied to the rats of CE group orally at the 0 th and 21 st hours, whereas phisiologic saline was applied to the rats of K group. The experiment was ended at the 24 th hours of CE administration. The levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), antioxidant potential (AOP), and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and catalase (CAT) were determined in tissue samples. Furthermore, tissue samples were examined by light microscope. Results: TBARS was found to increase in CE group compared to K group. Conversly, AOP was found to decrease in CE group compared to K group. There was no significant changes in SOD, GSH-Px and CAT activities between the groups. Microscopically, seminifer tubulus degenerations which is characterized by reduced spermatogenetic cells were observed in CE group compared to K group. Conclusion: These results suggested that CE may involve in tissue damage of rats by affecting on non-enzymatic antioxidants.


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