The Effort To Reduce Negative Externality In Post Covid-19 Period In Turkish Economy: Example Of Transportation Sector

Every production element creates negative externality. In this study, the negative externality created by the transportation sector is investigated by extended environmental input-output analysis. In the WIOD input-output table, the transportation sector consists of three sectors as land transportation, air transportation and water transportation. As a result of the analysis carried out in this context, normalized total backward CO2 linkages coefficients are 0,4500 kt CO2 equivalent in land transportation, 0,8929 kt CO2 equivalent in air transportation, and 0,3619 kt CO2 equivalent in water transportation respectively. Normalized total forward CO2 linkages coefficients were found as 1.1895 kt CO2 equivalent in land transportation, 0.77840 kt CO2 equivalent in air transportation and 0.3234 kt CO2 equivalent in water transportation. The Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated to determine whether the transportation sectors' inter-period production chain changed structurally. It was concluded that the input components used in production did not differ significantly. It is predicted that the obtained results will increase even more in the post-covid-19 period and it is recommended to take measures and determine policies for a transportation system in which emission production is limited and renewable and sustainable environmentally friendly fuel types are preferred.

The Effort To Reduce Negative Externality In Post Covid-19 Period In Turkish Economy: Example Of Transportation Sector

Every production element creates negative externality. In this study, the negative externality created by the transportation sector is investigated by extended environmental input-output analysis. In the WIOD input-output table, the transportation sector consists of three sectors as land transportation, air transportation and water transportation. As a result of the analysis carried out in this context, normalized total backward CO2 linkages coefficients are 0,4500 kt CO2 equivalent in land transportation, 0,8929 kt CO2 equivalent in air transportation, and 0,3619 kt CO2 equivalent in water transportation respectively. Normalized total forward CO2 linkages coefficients were found as 1.1895 kt CO2 equivalent in land transportation, 0.77840 kt CO2 equivalent in air transportation and 0.3234 kt CO2 equivalent in water transportation. The Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated to determine whether the transportation sectors' inter-period production chain changed structurally. It was concluded that the input components used in production did not differ significantly. It is predicted that the obtained results will increase even more in the post-covid-19 period and it is recommended to take measures and determine policies for a transportation system in which emission production is limited and renewable and sustainable environmentally friendly fuel types are preferred.


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