Çankırı Doğusunda Jips Karstlaşmasıyla Oluşan Sübsidans Dolinleri

Çankırı şehri doğusunda, jips karstına bağlı olarak oluşan sübsidans dolinlerinin ele alındığı bu çalışmada; sübsidans dolinlerinin jeomorfolojik özellikleri, oluşum mekanizması ve süreci incelenmiştir. Bu alandaki sübsidans dolinlerinin bir kısmı dönemli akarsular tarafından açılmış, bir kısmı ise genellikle içerisinde göllerin bulunduğu kapalı dolinler hâlindedir. Jipsli seriler üzerindeki tedrici oturmalarla dolin oluşumuna yol açan sübsidans olayı, dolinlerin bulunduğu alanlarda yer altındaki jips çözünmesine bağlı olarak meydana gelmiştir. Buradaki sübsidans dolinleri büyük ölçüde fosil hâldedir. Pleistosen\'deki genel kaide seviyesi alçalmalarına bağlı olarak Acıçay\'ın yatağını derinleştirmesi, yerel su tablasında alçalmalarIn this study, subsidence dolines formed in connection with gypsum karst at the east of city of Çankırı are dealt with, and their geomorphological properties, formation mechanism and process are examined. A part of subsidence dolines in this area in question are captured by streams, the others are closed dolines in which lakes are present in general. Where dolines are present, subsidence event which caused dolines to be formed on gypsum series are formed in connection with underground gypsum solution. Subsidence dolines which the site have are of fosil type. Acıçay\'s deepening its bed in connection with lowerings of base level in Pleistocene has given rise to withdrawal in local water table level. Thus, ground water buoyant support over underground void formed in underground gypsum layer has been lost, and subsidence dolines are formed after material over karstic voiKarst, sübsidans dolini, jips, ÇankırıKarst, subsidence doline, gypsum, Çankırı Tam Metin

Subsidence Dolines Formed by Gypsum Karstification at The East of Çankırı

In this study, subsidence dolines formed in connection with gypsum karst at the east of city of Çankırı are dealt with, and their geomorphological properties, formation mechanism and process are examined. A part of subsidence dolines in this area in question are captured by streams, the others are closed dolines in which lakes are present in general. Where dolines are present, subsidence event which caused dolines to be formed on gypsum series are formed in connection with underground gypsum solution. Subsidence dolines which the site have are of fosil type. Acıçay\'s deepening its bed in connection with lowerings of base level in Pleistocene has given rise to withdrawal in local water table level. Thus, ground water buoyant support over underground void formed in underground gypsum layer has been lost, and subsidence dolines are formed after material over karstic voiKarst, sübsidans dolini, jips, ÇankırıKarst, subsidence doline, gypsum, Çankırı Tam Metin