Notes on the Etymology of Kündi Vile Identified as Oghuz Dialect at Dîvân Lugât At-Turk Примечания об этимологии слова kündi "мерзкий, презренный" в Дива́н луга́ т ат- турке

Notes on the Etymology of Kündi Vile Identified as Oghuz Dialect at Dîvân Lugât At-Turk Примечания об этимологии слова kündi "мерзкий, презренный" в Дива́н луга́ т ат- турке

Abstract: As it is known Dîvân Lugât at-Türk means Compendium of the Turkic Dialects and in a manner befitting to its name, it contains very important knowledge about the phonology, morphology, lexicology and semantic of the dialects which spoken in Turk s world at XI century. When Dîvân Lugât at-Türk was written (1072-1077) The Seljuks are at the top of the Turkic and Islamic history. In this context, Oghuz Turkic takes first place among the Turkic dialects at Dîvân Lugât at-Türk which Kâshgarî examined. It is known that Mahmoud al-Kâshgarî was keeped of the words at Dîvân Lugât at- Turk which were obsolescent at standart Turkic of his epoch. Dîvân Lugât at-Turk s vocabulary is mainly Turkic words but the quoted words and meaning citations from Iranian languages are occupies an important place. This citation are mostly belongs to the pre-Islamic period and took place outside the influence of Islam. Resource of this first stage citations and the entry date of Turkic is much older than Arabic words and often ambiguous about the source of Iranian language. In this paper will be a review about a word at Dîvân Lugât at-Turk which is not detected yet in another historical and contemporary Turkic dialect: kündi () vile . We will be determine the relationship between kündi and Sanskrit kuntha stupid, lazy, foolish , kunthah blunt, strong ; Iranian kond ~ kund (adj.) ( not sharp; stupid . ) blunt, dull,


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