Böylece, SSCB döneminde yazılmış yaşnameler de dini özelliklerden "arındırııldı", bunun yerine Sovyetler, Komünizm, Bolşevikler övüldü. Böylece biçim olarak eski, muhtevaca yeni örnekler ortaya çıktı. Yashnames are verses which have ancient roots and traditions in literature of Turkic peoples. Early examples of yashnames written about times of life; describing infanthood, childhood, adolesence, senectitude are met in poems of Ahmad Yasavi. Those poems not only summarize human life but also take themes to pen such as volatility of mortal world, inescapable end of all human beings, preparing to the life to come, trying to commit good deeds in 12-19 th centuries. Most poets of Turkic nations wrote poems of this theme, that became a tradition. This tradition continued up to 20 th century of Soviet Union, despite Soviet poems were written with same form, they were under compulsion for doing novice kind of theme. Ashug Bakhman, Molla Murd and other ashughs of this genre reflected in their works formation of USSR, changes taking place in society and class changes.Overtime yashname had changed their content. For information yashname is a kind of asuhs lirics. Tradition lasting for centuries had changed content of this lyrics due to political change. Meeting the requirements of the time, ashug wrote their works in the old form, but new content. Yashnames which were written during the Soviet Union eliminated from religion and they began eulogized soviet, communism. As a result government by using censorship had the pieces of literature written for its appetite. "> [PDF] SOVYETLER DÖNEMİ YAŞNAMELERİNİN MUHTEVA ÖZELLİKLERİ (TÜRKMEN, AZERBAYCAN VE KARAKALPAK YAŞNAMELERİ ÖRNEĞİNDE) | [PDF] The Content Characterization of Yashname of Soviet Period (Based on Yashname of Turkmenian, Azerbaijan And Karakalpak) Böylece, SSCB döneminde yazılmış yaşnameler de dini özelliklerden "arındırııldı", bunun yerine Sovyetler, Komünizm, Bolşevikler övüldü. Böylece biçim olarak eski, muhtevaca yeni örnekler ortaya çıktı. "> Böylece, SSCB döneminde yazılmış yaşnameler de dini özelliklerden "arındırııldı", bunun yerine Sovyetler, Komünizm, Bolşevikler övüldü. Böylece biçim olarak eski, muhtevaca yeni örnekler ortaya çıktı. Yashnames are verses which have ancient roots and traditions in literature of Turkic peoples. Early examples of yashnames written about times of life; describing infanthood, childhood, adolesence, senectitude are met in poems of Ahmad Yasavi. Those poems not only summarize human life but also take themes to pen such as volatility of mortal world, inescapable end of all human beings, preparing to the life to come, trying to commit good deeds in 12-19 th centuries. Most poets of Turkic nations wrote poems of this theme, that became a tradition. This tradition continued up to 20 th century of Soviet Union, despite Soviet poems were written with same form, they were under compulsion for doing novice kind of theme. Ashug Bakhman, Molla Murd and other ashughs of this genre reflected in their works formation of USSR, changes taking place in society and class changes.Overtime yashname had changed their content. For information yashname is a kind of asuhs lirics. Tradition lasting for centuries had changed content of this lyrics due to political change. Meeting the requirements of the time, ashug wrote their works in the old form, but new content. Yashnames which were written during the Soviet Union eliminated from religion and they began eulogized soviet, communism. As a result government by using censorship had the pieces of literature written for its appetite. ">


Yaş destanı veya yaşname başlığını taşıyan şiirler Türk halkları şiirinde derin gelenek ve kökleri olan bir şiir şeklidir. Yaşlar üzerine yazılan ve insan ömrünün değişik dönemlerini ele alan yaşnamelerin ilk örneklerine Ahmed Yesevi şiirlerinde rastlıyoruz. XII-XIX. yüzyıllarda bu tür şiirlerde insan hayatını özetlenmekle birlikte fani dünyanın geçici olması ve ahret dünyasına hazırlanma, iyi ameller sahibi olmaya özenme gibi konular işlenmiştir. Bu tür üzerine Türk halklarının pek çok âşık ve şairi eser vermiş ve gelenek şeklini alarak insan ömrü bu tür şiirlerde edebi felsefi yönleriyle işlenmiştir. XX. yüzyıla kadar devam eden bu gelenek SSCB kurulduktan sonra kaybolmaya başlamış ve Sovyet âşıkları aynı türde eser verseler de, muhtevaca yenilikler yapmak zorunda kalmışlardır. Bu bağlantıda Aşık Behmen, Molla Murt gibi aşıklar kendi şiirlerinde Sovyetlerin kurulmasını, toplumdaki değişimleri, sınıfsal meseleleri işlemeye başladılar. Aşık şiirinin önemli şekillerinden olan yaşnameler de zamanla içerik değiştirdi. Yüzyıllarca süregelen gelenek, siyasal değişimlerle birlikte muhtevanın "yenilenmesi"ne neden oldu. Dönemin talebine uyarak eser veren aşıklar, biçimsel olarak geleneği sürdürseler de, içeriksel bağlantıda yeni konulara yer vermeli oldular. >Böylece, SSCB döneminde yazılmış yaşnameler de dini özelliklerden "arındırııldı", bunun yerine Sovyetler, Komünizm, Bolşevikler övüldü. Böylece biçim olarak eski, muhtevaca yeni örnekler ortaya çıktı.

The Content Characterization of Yashname of Soviet Period (Based on Yashname of Turkmenian, Azerbaijan And Karakalpak)

Yashnames are verses which have ancient roots and traditions in literature of Turkic peoples. Early examples of yashnames written about times of life; describing infanthood, childhood, adolesence, senectitude are met in poems of Ahmad Yasavi. Those poems not only summarize human life but also take themes to pen such as volatility of mortal world, inescapable end of all human beings, preparing to the life to come, trying to commit good deeds in 12-19 th centuries. Most poets of Turkic nations wrote poems of this theme, that became a tradition. This tradition continued up to 20 th century of Soviet Union, despite Soviet poems were written with same form, they were under compulsion for doing novice kind of theme. Ashug Bakhman, Molla Murd and other ashughs of this genre reflected in their works formation of USSR, changes taking place in society and class changes.Overtime yashname had changed their content. For information yashname is a kind of asuhs lirics. Tradition lasting for centuries had changed content of this lyrics due to political change. Meeting the requirements of the time, ashug wrote their works in the old form, but new content. Yashnames which were written during the Soviet Union eliminated from religion and they began eulogized soviet, communism. As a result government by using censorship had the pieces of literature written for its appetite.


  • Aşıq, Bəhmən (2005) “Vücudnamə”. Azərbaycan aşıq şerindən seçmələr: 2 cilddə /tərt. ed. Ə. Axundov, İ. Abbaslı, H. İsmayılov, II cild, Bakı : Şərq-Qərb.“Konıratbay Təriypi” (1980). Karakalpak folklorı. Köp tomluk. V tom, Karakalpak xalık kosıkları xəm salt jırları. Özbekistan İlimler Akademiyası Karakalpakistan Filialı N.Dəykaraev atındağı Tariyx, Til Xəm Ədebiyat İnstitutu, “Karakalpakistan” Baspası, NÖKİS, s. 269-270
  • Kaya, Doğan (2004). Yaşnameler. Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları.
  • Mollamurt (1941). Saylanan Goşgılar. (Çapa tayyarlan: B.Kerbabaev, Redaktorlar: A.Tayımov ve B.Garrıyev). Aşgabat: Türkmendövletneşir.
  • Sovyet Yazarlar Birliği”, Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2014 “
  • “Türkmenistan Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyeti”, Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2014