Impact of tillage and crop rotations on soil organic matter content in Northern Kazakhstan's chernozem soils: A 10-year study (2011-2021)

Impact of tillage and crop rotations on soil organic matter content in Northern Kazakhstan's chernozem soils: A 10-year study (2011-2021)

This extensive 10-year study conducted in Northern Kazakhstan investigates the intricate relationship between soil management techniques, crop rotations, and soil organic matter (SOM) content in Chernozem soils, an essential agricultural resource in the region. The experiments were established at the Karabalyk Agricultural Experimental Station, characterized by a arid continental climate. The study systematically examined the impact of two primary soil management techniques, conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT), in combination with various crop rotations. The crop rotations tested included grain-fallow rotations, fruit-exchange crop rotations, and an eight-field fruit-exchange crop rotation. The results provide valuable insights into the sustainable management of Chernozem soils in arid conditions, underscoring the role of crop rotation strategies in preserving SOM content. The findings reveal that among the crop rotations tested, the eight-field fruit-exchange crop rotation exhibited the most favorable outcomes for SOM preservation. This rotation helped maintain relatively stable SOM levels over the 10-year study period, contributing to soil health and fertility. In the context of the region's arid climate, the choice of soil management technique (CT or NT) had a limited impact on SOM content. The stability of SOM levels across diverse crop rotations and years highlights the dominant influence of crop management practices in this distinctive agricultural environment. This research serves as a valuable reference for tailored approaches to ensure soil health and organic matter preservation in the unique conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. It promotes the adoption of diversified crop rotations, with particular emphasis on the effectiveness of the eight-field fruit-exchange crop rotation, as a powerful strategy to mitigate organic matter loss, enhance soil quality, and optimize soil fertility in arid agricultural landscapes. The insights gained from this study are vital for sustainable land management in the region and underscore the importance of region-specific, holistic investigations to guide effective agricultural practices. The findings offer a solid foundation for the development of strategies that address soil health and safeguard the integrity of essential soil resources in these unique environments. The study conducted at the Karabalyk Agricultural Experimental Station in Northern Kazakhstan between 2011 and 2021 provides critical insights into the relationship between soil management techniques, crop rotations, and SOM content in Chernozem soils. The research suggests that diversified crop rotations, particularly the eight-field fruit-exchange crop rotation, represent a promising approach for mitigating organic matter loss and enhancing soil quality in arid regions.


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