Eurasian Journal of Soil Science
Eurasian Journal of Soil Science
Cilt: 13 Sayı : 1
Tomato varieties superiority assessment under organic and inorganic (granular and foliar) fertilization in sandy clay soil
Assessment of soil properties and trace element accumulation in arid regions: A case study of Kalmykia's central dry steppe zone, Russia
Early seedling features and mineral content of maize seeds grown under salinity stress
Optimal timing of satellite data acquisition for estimating and modeling soil salinity in cotton fields of the Mingbulak District, Uzbekistan
Impact of tillage and crop rotations on soil organic matter content in Northern Kazakhstan's chernozem soils: A 10-year study (2011-2021)
Improving the growth of Glycyrrhiza Glabra L. in saline soils using bioagent seed treatments
Enhancing iron concentration in bread wheat through Fe-EDTA fortification
Improving microbial properties in Psamments with mycorrhizal fungi, amendments, and fertilizer
Soil fertility status, productivity challenges, and solutions in rice farming landscapes of Azerbaijan
Enhancing phosphorus use efficiency in wheat grown on alkaline calcareous soils
Cilt: 11 - Sayı : 4
Deforestation effects on soil properties and erosion: a case study in the central Rif, Morocco
Isolation and characterization of salt tolerant bacteria from saline soils of Bangladesh
Influence of inoculating microbes on municipal sewage sludge composting
A study about radiation dosimetry and heavy metal pollution in the Küçük Menderes Basin, Turkey (Radio-ecological and Heavy Metal Risks)
Bioremediation of HCB-contaminated soil using Comamonas testosteroni and Zea mays L.
Effect of foliar mineral fertilizer and plant growth regulator application on seed yield and yield components of soybean (Glycine max) cultivars
Biomass yield, soil cover and minerals accumulation by two green manures species grown in soils of Chiapas Mexico
The effects of NPK fertilization on hay production and some yield components of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) in the dry steppe zone of Eastern Kazakhstan
The effect of bio-humus on Cardinal grape yield (Vitis vinifera L.) and nutrient contents of dark brown soil using drip irrigation systems under the open field conditions
Assessing the effect of application of organic manures and grapevine pruned biomass on Thompson Seedless
Cilt: 11 - Sayı : 3
Biogeoaccumulation of zinc in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) in an Inceptisol amended with soil zinc application and its bioavailability to human being
Effect of Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum applied together with rock phosphate on wheat yield and some soil properties in a calcareous soil
Impact of NPK fertilization on hazelnut yield and soil chemical-microbiological properties of Hazelnut Orchards in Western Georgia
Relative potential of Rhizobium sp for improving the rice-wheat crop in the semi-arid regions
Contrasting rice management systems – Site-specific effects on soil parameters
Effects of long-term tea (Camellia sinensis) cultivation on the earthworm populations in northern Iran
Effects of different polymer hydrogels on moisture capacity of sandy soil
Response of selected physical properties of Fluvisols to tillage implements and frequencies at Haramaya, Eastern Ethiopia
The effects of two Fe-EDDHA chelated fertilizers on dry matter production and Fe uptake of tomato seedlings and Fe forms of a calcareous soil
Study on the potential of silica-available based on types of soil on the productivity of paddy field in West Java Province, Indonesia
Cilt: 11 - Sayı : 2
Micromorphological and mineralogical features of saline playa surface sediments from two large Trans-Uralian lakes
Spatial modeling of soil salinity using kriging interpolation techniques: A study case in the Great Hungarian Plain
Properties, geochemical composition, and fertility of highly weathered soils in Central Philippines
Integrated use of bio-organic and chemical fertilizer to enhance yield and nutrients content of tomato
Soil properties and grape yield of vineyard as affected by sawdust addition in a semi-arid region
Effect of different organic wastes on biological properties of maize (Zea Mays Indendata) rhizosphere
Seed priming with NaCl improves germination in maize under saline soil conditions
Influence of the biochar on petroleum hydrocarbon degradation intensity and ecological condition of Haplic Chernozem
Effects of low-intensity fire on soil organic carbon stocks and physicochemical properties in the Mediterranean ecosystem
Effect of climatic conditions on the productive and biochemical characteristics of grape varieties grown on sierozem soil
Cilt: 11 - Sayı : 1
Estimation and spatial distribution of some soil erodibility parameters in soils of Ilgaz National Park
Identification of humic substances on the transformation of an organic substrate
Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching and vegetative growth of maize as affected by organic manure application
Yield of sugar beet and changes in phosphorus fractions in relation to long term P fertilization in chestnut soil of Kazakhstan
Splitting nitrogen fertilization improves growth, yield and profit of soybean (Glycine max) production in the semi-arid Afghanistan
A review on nanobioremediation approaches for restoration of contaminated soil
Productivity of indigenous alfalfa (Medicago sativa) cultivar depending on agricultural practices on sierozem soils in South Kazakhstan
Stubble burning and wildfires in Turkey considering the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations
Assessment of biological activity in mountain chernozems and mountain-meadow chernozemic soils of natural biogeocenoses in the Central Caucasus, Russia
Morphophysiological response of young Frantoio olive tree under different fertilizer types in sierozem with surface drip irrigation
Cilt: 10 - Sayı : 4
Reduced plant uptake of PAHs from soil amended with sunflower husk biochar
Effects of deforestation on soil properties and organic carbon stock of a hillslope position land in Black Sea Region of Turkey
Responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties to NPK fertilization on tuber yield in the Southeast of Kazakhstan
Physiological behavior of olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties under different foliage nutrition and irrigation regimes in the hyper-arid zone
Comparison of different types of fertilizers on growth, yield and quality properties of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in the Southeast of Kazakhstan
The role of the ornithogenic factor in soil formation on the Antarctic oasis territory Bunger Hills (East Antarctica)
Soil organic matter composition of forest Rendzinas in West Bulgaria
Yield and yield components of five tomato varieties (Solanum lycopersicum) as influenced by chemical NPK fertilizer applications under chestnut soil conditions
Hygienization assessment during heap co-composting of Turkey manure and olive mill pomace
Evaluation of municipal sewage sludge for Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculum production
Cilt: 10 - Sayı : 3
Laboratory assessment of soil respiration rates under the impact of ornithogenic factor in Antarctic region
Effects of nutrient enriched municipal solid waste compost on soil fertility, crop yield and nutrient content in brinjal
Soil properties and performance of celosia (Celosia Argentea) as affected by compost made with Trichoderma asperellum
Feasibility of sewage sludge application in rice-wheat cropping system
Effects of vermicompost applications on Atterberg Limits and workability of soils under different soil moisture contents
Spatio analysis of soil quality assessment in semi-arid ecosystem using a minimum data set
Assessment of ecotoxicity of the bismuth by biological indicators of soil condition
Assessment of Water Cloud Model based on SAR and optical satellite data for surface soil moisture retrievals over agricultural area
Transformation of plant and soil covers of the Botanical nature monument “Pine forest near Venetsiya village” (Russia) as a result of a windfall
Compressibility behaviour and engineering properties of North Borneo Peat Soil
Cilt: 10 - Sayı : 2
Assessment of ecological state of Rostov zoo soil
Carbon sequestration potential of community forests: A comparative analysis of soil organic carbon stock in community managed forests of Far-Western Nepal
Some soil biological and chemical properties as affected by biofertilizers and organic ameliorants application on paddy rice
Performance of an accelerated compost as influenced by ecological zones: A case study of derived savannah and rain forest in Nigeria
Partitioning of heavy metals in different particle-size fractions of soils from former mining and smelting locations in Austria
Exchangeable form of potentially toxic elements in floodplain soils along the river-marine systems of Southern Russia
Effect of biogas waste applications on soil moisture characteristic curve and assessment of the predictive accuracy of the Van Genuchten model
Impact of deforestation and subsequent land-use change on soil quality
Performance of vermicompost in zinc and boron nutrition for quality production of cabbage
Comparison of Fuzzy logic and Boolean methods in mapping nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients
Cilt: 10 - Sayı : 1
Variations in soil heat transfer under different land use types in Abia State, South eastern Nigeria
Short-term effect of rice straw application on soil fertility and rice yield
Changes in chemical and biological properties during co-composting of swine dung and different plant materials
Phosphorus mineralization in response to organic and inorganic amendment in a semi-arid pasture soil
Effect of polyvinyl alcohol on the physico-chemical properties of soil and soil-amino acid interaction
Vermicomposting of anaerobically digested sewage sludge with hazelnut husk and cow manure by earthworm Eisenia foetida
Dynamics of soil organic carbon stock under different types of savannah agrosystems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon
Fluoride contamination in wetlands of Kuttanad, India: Predisposing edaphic factors
Soil data definition for hydrologic response unit analysis in SWAT model of Langkawi Island, Malaysia
Dry matter yield of okra and Nutrient Dynamics with cocoa pod husk-based compost and NPK fertilizer in an Ultisol
Cilt: 9 - Sayı : 4
Vermicomposting of agro-industrial waste by-product of the sugar industry
Soil quality assessment for olive groves areas of Menderes District, Izmir-Turkey
Transformation of soil texture schemes and determination of water-physical properties of soils
Changes in some soil properties of wheat fields under conventional and reduced tillage systems in Northern Iraq
Assessment of climatic variability on optimal N in long-term rice cropping system
Effect of organic amendment on properties and nutrient loss of soils of selected parent material
Evaluation of quality of groundwater in irrigation using fuzzy logic in the Bafra Plain, Northern Turkey
The effects of whey application on the soil biological properties and plant growth
Mechanisms of copper immobilization in Fluvisol after the carbon sorbent applying
Effects of land and plant managements on soil erodibility in the Turhal District of Tokat, Turkey
Cilt: 9 - Sayı : 3
Assessment of potential ecological risk index based on heavy metal elements for organic farming in micro catchments under humid ecological condition
The correlation of Azerbaijan arid soils with WRB-2014
Quantifying some physical properties and organic matter of soils under different management systems in cherry orchard
Quality of fresh plant residue affects sequestration of residue derived organic material by humic acid
Assessment of extraction methods for studying the fractional composition of Cu and Zn in uncontaminated and contaminated soils
PAHs accumulation in soil-plant system of Phragmites australis Cav. in soil under long-term chemical contamination
Effect of heavy metals on soil microbial quality of an abandoned mining area Sidi Kamber, North-East of Algeria
Texture contrast soils (TCS) as indicators of eolian dust inputs in the coastal area of west central Senegal, West Africa
Quality and quantity of soil organic matter as affected by the period of organic farming in Sekem farm, Egypt
Estimating the long term leaching potential of PCBs in soil
Cilt: 9 - Sayı : 2
Isolation, characterization and screening of PGPR capable of providing relief in salinity stress
Spatial variation of soil weathering processes in the tropical high reliefs of Cameroon (Central Africa)
Effect of potassium levels on teff (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) growth and yield in Central Highland Vertisols of Ethiopia
Impact of No-Till on physicochemical properties of Vertisols in Chaouia region of Morocco
Use of sewage sludge in agricultural soils: Useful or harmful
Quantifying the role of chemical weathering rates on soil developed along an altitudinal transect in the mountainous environments, Turkey
The evaluation of basal respiration and some chemical properties of soils under cover crop treatments in a cherry orchard
Accumulating capacity of herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae and Poaceae families under technogenic soil pollution with zinc and cadmium
Changes in selected soil properties across a chronosequence of exclosures in the central dry lowlands of Ethiopia
Efficiency of using the rangeland hydrology and erosion model for assessing the degradation of pastures and forage lands in Aydarly, Kazakhstan
Cilt: 9 - Sayı : 1
Hydraulic conductivity and sorptivity at unsaturated and saturated conditions as related to water infiltration in soils
Modelling soil properties from horizon depth functions and terrain attributes: An example with cation exchange capacity
Soil hydraulic properties: A simple and practical approach to estimate the number of samples
Assessment of land suitability for the production of major crops in Ayrancı district of Karaman province located at arid terrestrial ecosystem
Assessing soil nutrient change under long-term application of mineral fertilizer micro-dosing to pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] on a sahelian sandy soil
Changing dynamics of micronutrients in piedmont soil of Bangladesh
The relation between yield indices of maize plant and soil physicochemical characteristics
Electro-chemical charge characteristics of surface-subsurface region of selected soils in the tropics
Responses of salt-stressed citrus plants to foliar-applied proline
Agronomic zinc biofortification of wheat to improve accumulation, bioavailability, productivity and use efficiency
Cilt: 8 - Sayı : 4
Effect of fertilizer, manure and irrigation on nutrient availability in soil of boro rice field
Soil moisture adsorption capacity and specific surface area in relation to water vapor pressure in arid and tropical soils
Effects of iron sources and doses on plant growth criteria in soybean seedlings
Role of soil physicochemical and microbiological properties in the occurrence and severity of chickpea's Fusarium wilt disease
Neem leaf and poultry manures soil amendment on growth and yield of Telfairia occidentalis
Estimation of soil loss by USLE Model using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques - A Case study of Coastal Odisha, India
Characterization of soil amendment potential of 18 different biochar types produced by slow pyrolysis
Validation of satellite-based soil moisture retrievals from SMAP with in situ observation in the Simineh-Zarrineh (Bokan) Catchment, NW of Iran
Evaluation of soil fertility in citrus planted areas by geostatistics analysis method
Organic-inorganic interactions in an aridisoil of Oman along vertical and lateral trends of the soluble major, trace and rare-earth elements
Cilt: 8 - Sayı : 3
Changes in biological soil quality indicators under saline soil condition after amelioration with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivation in meadow Solonchak
Pedo-transfer functions with multiple linear regressions to predict solute-transport parameters
Field suppression of Fusarium wilt and microbial population Shifts in tomato rhizosphere following soil treatment with two selected endophytic bacteria
Mitigation of salinity in chickpea by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and salicylic acid
Wheat growth and nitrogen use efficiency under drip irrigation on semi-arid region
Soil fertility assessment and mapping spatial distribution of Agricultural Research Station, Bijayanagar, Jumla, Nepal
Determination of heavy metal risk and their enrichment factor in intensive cultivated soils of Tokat Province
Measurement and estimation of evapotranspiration in semi-arid grassland during the summer season in southwest Siberia
Physical and hydraulic properties of soils under a long-term tillage practices in Hadejia Local Government Area, Jigawa State, Nigeria
The effect of NPK foliar fertilization on yield and macronutrient content of grain in wheat under Kostanai-Kazakhstan conditions
Cilt: 8 - Sayı : 2
Effects of land use types on selected soil physical and chemical properties: The case of Kuyu District, Ethiopia
Spatial variability assessment of Nile alluvial soils using electrical resistivity technique
Determination of physico-chemical properties and agricultural potentials of soils in Tembaro District, KembataTembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Assessing aggregate stability of soils under various land use/land cover in a watershed of Mid-Himalayan Landscape
Empirical model and variability of soil salinity in the coastal zone of Bangladesh
Pedogenetic characterization and classification of forest soils in the Central Middle Atlas (Morocco)
Relative potential of rhizobium species to enhance the growth and yield attributes of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Imbalance of nutritional substances of the soil at the modern stage of development of agricultural production in Russia
Assessment of soil quality for vineyard fields: A case study in Menderes District of Izmir, Turkey
Nutritional quality evaluation of different varieties of pomegranate under climatic conditions of Faisalabad
Cilt: 8 - Sayı : 1
Biochar and clinoptilolite zeolite on selected chemical properties of soil cultivated with maize (Zea mays L.)
Study on pH in water and potassium chloride for Bulgarian soils
Interactive effect of phosphorus and boron on plant growth, nutrient accumulation and grain yield of wheat grown on calcareous soil
Assessment of the potential mobility of copper in contaminated soil samples by column leaching test
Spatial variability of soil organic carbon density under different land covers and soil types in a sub-humid terrestrial ecosystem
Soil organic carbon mapping and prediction based on depth intervals using kriging technique: A case of study in alluvial soil from Sudan
Does anthropogenic phosphorus input reduce soil microbial resource allocation to acquire nitrogen relative to carbon?
Chemical weathering indices applied to soils developed on old lake sediments in a semi-arid region of Turkey
Suitability evaluation of some peri-urban soils for rainfed arable crop production in Lagos State, Southwestern Nigeria
Impact of Resource Conserving Technologies (RCT) on soil physical properties and rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield in irrigated agriculture areas of the South-Eastern Kazakhstan
Cilt: 7 - Sayı : 4
Screening for Lotus creticus growth promoting rhizobacteria under greenhouse conditions
Characterization and classification of soils of Wolkite University research sites, Ethiopia
Theoretical and practical aspects of basic soil treatment in the conditions of modern soil management systems in Russia
Scaling of infiltration rate using the similar media theory and dimensional analysis
Dynamics of earthworm species at different depths of orchard soil receiving organic or chemical fertilizer amendments
Relation of reactive solute-transport parameters to basic soil properties
Assessing soil quality issues for crop production function based on farmers’ perception: An experience from Itapaji Watershed in Southwestern Nigeria
Morphological, mineralogical and geochemical features of topomorphic vertisols used for sorghum production in North Cameroon
Spatial variability pattern and mapping of selected soil properties in hilly areas of Hindukush range northern, Pakistan
An investigation of mercury distribution in the soils around gold mining area at Dar-Mali locality, river Nile State, Sudan
Cilt: 7 - Sayı : 3
Imaging soil pore characteristics using computed tomography as influenced by agroecosystems
Assessment of soil fertility index for potato production using integrated Fuzzy and AHP approaches, Northeast of Iran
Applications of geographic information systems in studying changes in groundwater quality and soil salinity in Sohag Governorate
Relationship between phosphorus fractions of some selected Sudanese soil orders to phosphate availability
Trace minerals pollution in south indian branded tea, and from the tea waste disposal sites
Spatial variability analysis of soil quality parameters in a watershed of Sub-Himalayan Landscape - A case study
Heavy metal analysis in the soils of in and around Robe town, Bale zone, South Eastern, Ethiopia
Irrigated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) performance on calcareous alkaline soils as influenced by previous crops in North of Sudan
Physico-chemical characterization of Oak, Pine and Sal forest soil profiles of Betalghat Region of Kumaun Himalaya
Organic and inorganic amendments on soil chemical properties at different period of incubation of acidic soil
Cilt: 7 - Sayı : 2
Spatial and fractal characterization of soil properties across soil depth in an agricultural field, Northeast Iran
Soil carbon, nitrogen and texture dynamics at root zone and between plants in Riverine plantation of Acacia catechu, Dalbergia sissoo, Phyllanthus emblica and Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Chemical and microbiological properties in soil cultivated with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum)
Relationships between soil properties, topography and land use in the Van Lake Basin, Turkey
Amending triple superphosphate with chicken litter biochar improves phosphorus availability
Soil physico-chemical properties and fertility status of long-term land use and cover changes: A case study in Forest vegetative zone of Nigeria
Characterization and classification of soils of Yikalo Subwatershed in Lay Gayint District, Northwestern Highlands of Ethiopia
Soil-landscape relationship as indicated by pedogenesis data on selected soils from Southwestern, Iran
Can arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and NPK fertilizer suppress nematodes and improve tuber yield of yam (Dioscorea rotundata ‘cv’ ewuru)?
Response of three soils in the derived savanna zone of southwestern Nigeria to combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer as affecting phosphorus fractions
Cilt: 7 - Sayı : 1
Comparison of two different ophiolite districts in terms of some soil physical properties of grounds
Microbial communities and their characteristics in a soil amended by nanozeolite and some plant residues: Short time in-situ incubation
Multi-criteria approach with linear combination technique and analytical hierarchy process in land evaluation studies
Understanding phosphorus status and P translocation within wheat plant in a split-root system
Local desalination treatment plant wastewater reuse and evaluation potential absorption of salts by the halophyte plants
Effects of long-term tillage systems on aggregate-associated organic carbon in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey
Surface charge is a function of organic carbon content and mineralogical compositions of soil
Prediction of infiltration from soil hydraulic properties
Evaluation of land suitability for main irrigated crops in the North-Western Region of Libya
Does hazelnut husk compost (HHC) effect on soil water holding capacity (WHC)? An environmental approach
Cilt: 6 - Sayı : 4
Evaluation of soil fertility status of Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tarahara, Sunsari, Nepal
Clay activity index as an indicator of soil erodibility
Phosphorus release dynamics under phosphate rock and ammonium sulphate in soil amendment
Synergistic use of nitrogen and zinc to bio-fortify zinc in wheat grains
Evaluating inverse distance weighting and kriging methods in estimation of some physical and chemical properties of soil in Qazvin Plain
Determination of engineering properties of soil on railway track routes (An example of Turkey between the cities of Sivas and Erzincan)
Nutrient release dynamics of an accelerated compost: A case study in an Alfisol and Ultisol
Effect of salt stress on concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in root and leaf of strawberry plant
Prediction of soil organic carbon using VIS-NIR spectroscopy: Application to Red Mediterranean soils from Croatia
Effect of different irrigation systems on root growth of maize and cowpea plants in sandy soil
Cilt: 6 - Sayı : 3
Comparative potential of Rhizobium species for the growth promotion of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Spatial distribution of heavy metals density in cultivated soils of Central and East Parts of Black Sea Region in Turkey
Estimation of Soil loss by USLE Model using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques: A case study of Muhuri River Basin, Tripura, India
Sodium-resistant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria isolated from a halophyte, Salsola grandis, in saline-alkaline soils of Turkey
Biochar amendment improves soil fertility and productivity of mulberry plant
Glyphosate, 1,1’- dimethyl-4,4’-bipyridinium dichloride and Atrazine induces changes in Soil organic carbon, bacterial and fungal communities in a tropical alfisol
Effect of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria on some soil properties, wheat yield and nutrient contents
Depositional environments signatures, maturity and source weathering of Niger Delta sediments from an oil well in southeastern Delta State, Nigeria
Land suitability evaluation for irrigating wheat by Geopedological approach and Geographic Information System: A case study of Qazvin plain, Iran
Assessment of heavy metals contamination in the Nile River water and adjacent sediments: A case study from Khartoum City and Nile River State, Sudan
Cilt: 6 - Sayı : 2
Modelling soil erosion risk in a mountainous watershed of Mid-Himalaya by integrating RUSLE model with GIS
Persistence of myclobutanil and its impact on soil microbial biomass C and dehydrogenase enzyme activity in tea orchard soils
Combining selective sequential extractions, X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, and X-Ray Powder Diffraction for Cu (II) speciation in soil and mineral phases
Effect of mulch types on nutrient composition, maize (Zea mays L.) yield and soil properties of a tropical Alfisol in Southwestern Nigeria
Investigation of soil structure in Uzungöl settlement area by Shallow Seismic Methods
Response of fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) to sewage sludge treatment and irrigation intervals in a dryland condition
DTPA-extractable micronutrients: A geostatistical study from Ordu, Turkey
Polluted soil leaching: unsaturated conditions and flow rate effects
Genesis and classification of soils developed on gabbro in the high reliefs of Maroua region, North Cameroon
Distribution, typology and assessment of degraded soils Piedmont Plains Zhetysu Ridge, Kazakhstan
Cilt: 6 - Sayı : 1
Tropical chemical weathering of a garnet rich micaschist in the rainforest zone of Cameroon
Fractal approach in characterization of spatial pattern of soil properties
Influence of the artisanal gold mining on soil contamination with heavy metals: A case study from Dar-Mali locality, North of Atbara, River Nile State, Sudan
Enzyme activity of Chromic Luvisols under different degree of erosion and land use
Conductive and steam-diffuse constituents of thermotransfer in different soil moisture contents: case study of the Altai Region’s soils
Using microbiological leaching method to remove heavy metals from sludge
Contamination of soils with Cu, Na and Hg due to the highway and railway transport
Soil organic matter content and composition in different pedoclimatic zones of Bulgaria
Optimizing land use pattern to reduce soil erosion
The effects of CaCl2 on fruit yield, quality and nutrient contents of tomato under NaCl stress conditions
Cilt: 5 - Sayı : 4
Roles of soil biota and biodiversity in soil environment – A concise communication
Modeling cation exchange capacity and soil water holding capacity from basic soil properties
Effect of mycorrhiza on growth criteria and phosphorus nutrition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) under different phosphorus application rates
Structural-functional concept of thermophysical condition of the soils of Altai Region
Using Cesium-137 to estimate soil particle redistribution by wind in an arid region of central Iran
Effects of some organic materials on bicarbonate extractable phosphate content of soils having different pH
Effects of different nitrogen and potassium sources on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) yield in a sandy soil
Salt stress-mineral nutrient relations in olive (Olea europaea L.) plant
Relationship between soil water retention model parameters and structure stability
Improved method to determine particle size distribution for some gypsiferous soils. A case study from Al-Ahsa Governorate, Saudi Arabia
Cilt: 5 - Sayı : 3
Changes in diversity, biomass and abundance of soil macrofauna, Parrotio-Carpinetum forest at organic and semi-organic horizons
Geochemical pattern of soils in Bobovdol valley, Bulgaria. Assessment of Cd and Co contents
Screening for Pseudomonas and Bacillus antagonistic rhizobacteria strains for the biocontrol of Fusarium wilt of chickpea
Spatial variability of soil physical properties in a cultivated field
Prediction the soil erodibility and sediments load using soil attributes
Surface soil factors and soil characteristics in geo-physical milieu of Kebbi State Nigeria
The assessment of groundwater geochemistry of some wells in Rafsanjan plain, Iran
An application of Embedded Markov chain for soil sequences: Case study in North Western part of Algeria
Identification of strain types of some Beet necrotic yellow vein virus isolates determined in Northern and Central Parts of Turkey
Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity
Evaluation of heavy metal complex phytotoxicity
Cilt: 5 - Sayı : 2
Dissolution of rock phosphate in animal manure soil amendment and lettuce growth
Optimization of sodium extraction from soil by using a central composite design (CCD) and determination of soil sodium content by ion selective electrodes
Heavy metal pollution affected by human activities and different land-use in urban topsoil: A case study in Rafsanjan city, Kerman province, Iran
Effect of chickpea in association with Rhizobium to crop productivity and soil fertility
Dynamic surface soil components of land and vegetation types in Kebbi State Nigeria
An experimental investigation of rill erosion processes in lateritic upland region: A pilot study
Influence of composted tobacco waste and farmyard manure applications on the yield and nutrient composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata)
Water stress and soil compaction impacts on clover growth and nutrient concentration
Carbon dioxide emission and soil microbial respiration activity of Chernozems under anthropogenic transformation of terrestrial ecosystems
Benzo[a]pyrene contamination in Rostov Region of Russian Federation: A 10-year retrospective of soil monitoring under the effect of long-term technogenic pollution
Cilt: 5 - Sayı : 2
Dissolution of rock phosphate in animal manure soil amendment and lettuce growth
Optimization of sodium extraction from soil by using a central composite design (CCD) and determination of soil sodium content by ion selective electrodes
Heavy metal pollution affected by human activities and different land-use in urban topsoil: A case study in Rafsanjan city, Kerman province, Iran
Effect of chickpea in association with Rhizobium to crop productivity and soil fertility
Dynamic surface soil components of land and vegetation types in Kebbi State Nigeria
An experimental investigation of rill erosion processes in lateritic upland region: A pilot study
Influence of composted tobacco waste and farmyard manure applications on the yield and nutrient composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata)
Water stress and soil compaction impacts on clover growth and nutrient concentration
Carbon dioxide emission and soil microbial respiration activity of Chernozems under anthropogenic transformation of terrestrial ecosystems
Benzo[a]pyrene contamination in Rostov Region of Russian Federation: A 10-year retrospective of soil monitoring under the effect of long-term technogenic pollution
Cilt: 5 - Sayı : 1
Adsorption and desorption characteristics of chlorosulfuron in selected minerals and Pakistani soils
Lithium adsorption on amorphous aluminum hydroxides and gibbsite
Changes of C and N stocks in the subtropical Dianchi lake watershed in southwest China due to LUCC
Conservation agriculture increases soil organic carbon and residual water content in upland crop production systems
Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity using soil morphological properties
Seed germination and seedling growth of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) as influenced by magnetized saline water
Response of earthworm’s biomass and soil properties in different afforested type areas in the North Iran
Growth and yield response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to tillage and row spacing in maize-wheat cropping system in semi-arid region
Comparison of kriging interpolation precision between grid sampling scheme and simple random sampling scheme for precision agriculture
The effect of zeolite and some plant residues on soil organic carbon changes in density and soluble fractions: Incubation study
Cilt: 5 - Sayı : 1
Adsorption and desorption characteristics of chlorosulfuron in selected minerals and Pakistani soils
Lithium adsorption on amorphous aluminum hydroxides and gibbsite
Changes of C and N stocks in the subtropical Dianchi lake watershed in southwest China due to LUCC
Conservation agriculture increases soil organic carbon and residual water content in upland crop production systems
Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity using soil morphological properties
Seed germination and seedling growth of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) as influenced by magnetized saline water
Response of earthworm’s biomass and soil properties in different afforested type areas in the North Iran
Growth and yield response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to tillage and row spacing in maize-wheat cropping system in semi-arid region
Comparison of kriging interpolation precision between grid sampling scheme and simple random sampling scheme for precision agriculture
The effect of zeolite and some plant residues on soil organic carbon changes in density and soluble fractions: Incubation study
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 4
Influence of Olea europea L. and Ficus Carrica L. fine root activity on the K biodisponibility and clay mineralogy of the rhizosphere
Evaluation of optimal number of soil samples for detail reconstruction of initial field of 137Cs fallout in Chernobyl affected areas
Soil morphology as an indicator for assessment of drainage system efficiency in sugarcane cultivated lands, South Khuzestan, Iran
Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient
Changes of the properties of oil-polluted soils after recultivation (remediation) on the northern territories of the Russian Federation (the Republic of Komi)
The financial feasibility of hazelnut husk and sewage sludge based vermicompost production
Effects of organic and inorganic amendments on soil erodibility
Carbon and important macroelements of Terric Histosol after 12 years renaturalization
Erodibility and loss of marly drived soils
Applications of nitrate and ammonium fertilizers alter soil nematode food webs in a continuous cucumber cropping system in Southwestern Sichuan, China
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 4
Influence of Olea europea L. and Ficus Carrica L. fine root activity on the K biodisponibility and clay mineralogy of the rhizosphere
Evaluation of optimal number of soil samples for detail reconstruction of initial field of 137Cs fallout in Chernobyl affected areas
Soil morphology as an indicator for assessment of drainage system efficiency in sugarcane cultivated lands, South Khuzestan, Iran
Poultry feather wastes recycling possibility as soil nutrient
Changes of the properties of oil-polluted soils after recultivation (remediation) on the northern territories of the Russian Federation (the Republic of Komi)
The financial feasibility of hazelnut husk and sewage sludge based vermicompost production
Effects of organic and inorganic amendments on soil erodibility
Carbon and important macroelements of Terric Histosol after 12 years renaturalization
Erodibility and loss of marly drived soils
Applications of nitrate and ammonium fertilizers alter soil nematode food webs in a continuous cucumber cropping system in Southwestern Sichuan, China
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 3
Source identification of heavy metals in atmospheric dust using Platanus orientalis L. leaves as bioindicator
Assisted bioremediation tests on three natural soils contaminated with benzene
Depth function of manganese (Mn) concentration in soil solutions: Hydropedological translocation of trace elements in stratified soils
Predicting the yield and quality of winter wheat grown on calcareous chernozem in the lower Don Region
The contact angle of wetting of the solid phase of soil before and after chemical modification
Rheological properties of different minerals and clay soils
Temperature and water potential of grey clays in relation to their physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics and phytocoenology within the scope of the Radovesice Dump
Central Russia agroecosystem monitoring with CO2 fluxes analysis by eddy covariance method
Effects of poultry litter biochar on soil enzyme activities and tomato, pepper and lettuce plants growth
Effects of rice husk compost application on soil quality parameters in greenhouse conditions
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 3
Source identification of heavy metals in atmospheric dust using Platanus orientalis L. leaves as bioindicator
Assisted bioremediation tests on three natural soils contaminated with benzene
Depth function of manganese (Mn) concentration in soil solutions: Hydropedological translocation of trace elements in stratified soils
Predicting the yield and quality of winter wheat grown on calcareous chernozem in the lower Don Region
The contact angle of wetting of the solid phase of soil before and after chemical modification
Rheological properties of different minerals and clay soils
Temperature and water potential of grey clays in relation to their physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics and phytocoenology within the scope of the Radovesice Dump
Central Russia agroecosystem monitoring with CO2 fluxes analysis by eddy covariance method
Effects of poultry litter biochar on soil enzyme activities and tomato, pepper and lettuce plants growth
Effects of rice husk compost application on soil quality parameters in greenhouse conditions
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 2
Soil organic carbon fractions as influenced by vegetation type and land management: A case study in semiarid rangelands of Hamedan, Iran
The relationship between soil physical properties and alpine plant diversity on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
The new volumetric approach for field measurements of rill erosion
Comparative mineralogical characteristics of red soils from South Bulgaria
Physical and microbiological properties of alluvial calcareous Çumra province soils (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
How the sorption of benzene in soils contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons is affected by the presence of biofuels
Mathematical models of fertility for the soils of Azerbaijan
Use of synthetic clay for Removal of Diclofenac Anti-inflammatory
Influence of different fertilization on the dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in acid and limed soils
Effects of soil types and land use - land cover on soil organic carbon density at Madendere watershed
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 2
Soil organic carbon fractions as influenced by vegetation type and land management: A case study in semiarid rangelands of Hamedan, Iran
The relationship between soil physical properties and alpine plant diversity on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
The new volumetric approach for field measurements of rill erosion
Comparative mineralogical characteristics of red soils from South Bulgaria
Physical and microbiological properties of alluvial calcareous Çumra province soils (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
How the sorption of benzene in soils contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons is affected by the presence of biofuels
Mathematical models of fertility for the soils of Azerbaijan
Use of synthetic clay for Removal of Diclofenac Anti-inflammatory
Influence of different fertilization on the dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in acid and limed soils
Effects of soil types and land use - land cover on soil organic carbon density at Madendere watershed
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 1
Monitoring the effect of conservation practices on the erosion rates in some small watersheds in Eastern Romania
Approbation of express-method for benzo[a]pyrene extraction from soils in the technogenic emission zone territories
Effect of bio-fertilizers application on microbial diversity and physiological profiling of microorganisms in arable soil
Ecological problems and nitrogen balance in vegetable crops growing
The effect of vegetation type on selected soil quality indicators in a semiarid rangeland in Hamedan, Iran
Remediation of cadmium contaminated vertisol mediated by Prosopis charcoal and coir pith
Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China
Effect of manure on organic carbon content and fractal dimensions of aggregates
Modern parameters of caesium-137 root uptake in natural and agricultural grass ecosystems of contaminated post-Chernobyl landscape, Russia
Origin, distribution and transformation of authigenic carbonates in loessic soils
Cilt: 4 - Sayı : 1
Monitoring the effect of conservation practices on the erosion rates in some small watersheds in Eastern Romania
Approbation of express-method for benzo[a]pyrene extraction from soils in the technogenic emission zone territories
Effect of bio-fertilizers application on microbial diversity and physiological profiling of microorganisms in arable soil
Ecological problems and nitrogen balance in vegetable crops growing
The effect of vegetation type on selected soil quality indicators in a semiarid rangeland in Hamedan, Iran
Remediation of cadmium contaminated vertisol mediated by Prosopis charcoal and coir pith
Spatial distribution and environmental risk of major elements in surface sediments associated Manwan Dam in Lancang River, China
Effect of manure on organic carbon content and fractal dimensions of aggregates
Modern parameters of caesium-137 root uptake in natural and agricultural grass ecosystems of contaminated post-Chernobyl landscape, Russia
Origin, distribution and transformation of authigenic carbonates in loessic soils
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 4
Application of Pb isotopes to track the sources and routes of metal uptake in the earthworm Eisenia fetida
Usage of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and extractive fractionation in studies of the Cu (II) and Zn (II) ions in soils
Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)
Statistic and probability characteristics of rain factor R in Slovak Republic
Work of soil and risks of agricultural erosion: Case of the itinerary technical cereal on tray of Mostaganem-Northwest Algeria
Biological degradation of chernozems under irrigation
Mycorrhizas effects on nutrient interception in two riparian grass species
Influence of soil properties on yield and quality of tobacco plant in Akhisar region of Turkey
Anthropoghenic soil contamination connected with active mines, smelting and plants in the Republic of Macedonia
Influence of temperature and organic matter content on soil respiration in a deciduous oak forest
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 4
Application of Pb isotopes to track the sources and routes of metal uptake in the earthworm Eisenia fetida
Usage of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and extractive fractionation in studies of the Cu (II) and Zn (II) ions in soils
Swelling clays and salt-affected soils : demixing of Na / Ca clays as the rationale for discouraging the use of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)
Statistic and probability characteristics of rain factor R in Slovak Republic
Work of soil and risks of agricultural erosion: Case of the itinerary technical cereal on tray of Mostaganem-Northwest Algeria
Biological degradation of chernozems under irrigation
Mycorrhizas effects on nutrient interception in two riparian grass species
Influence of soil properties on yield and quality of tobacco plant in Akhisar region of Turkey
Anthropoghenic soil contamination connected with active mines, smelting and plants in the Republic of Macedonia
Influence of temperature and organic matter content on soil respiration in a deciduous oak forest
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 3
Discriminating between biotic and abiotic contributions to CO2 efflux from permаfrost soil
Soil organic matter and soil acidity in Mangrove areas in the river Paraiba Estuary, Cabedelo, Paraiba, Brazil
Spectral estimation of soil water content in visible and near infra-red range
Role of mineral matrix composition and properties in the transformation of corn residues
Determination of plant available boron in agricultural soil by using voltammetric method
Establishing a soil reference system for fertility assessment and monitoring at plot level in the highlands of Mindanao, Philippines
The role of soil's particle-size fractions in the adsorption of heavy metals
Short-term soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emission after application of conventional and reduced tillage for red clover in Western Slovakia
Effect of aging on the physical properties of landfill cover layers
Paleosols and climate of the steppe zone in early iron age: Identifying short term warming of climate on slightly-sensors soils
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 3
Discriminating between biotic and abiotic contributions to CO2 efflux from permаfrost soil
Soil organic matter and soil acidity in Mangrove areas in the river Paraiba Estuary, Cabedelo, Paraiba, Brazil
Spectral estimation of soil water content in visible and near infra-red range
Role of mineral matrix composition and properties in the transformation of corn residues
Determination of plant available boron in agricultural soil by using voltammetric method
Establishing a soil reference system for fertility assessment and monitoring at plot level in the highlands of Mindanao, Philippines
The role of soil's particle-size fractions in the adsorption of heavy metals
Short-term soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emission after application of conventional and reduced tillage for red clover in Western Slovakia
Effect of aging on the physical properties of landfill cover layers
Paleosols and climate of the steppe zone in early iron age: Identifying short term warming of climate on slightly-sensors soils
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 2
Mapping soil salinity in irrigated land using optical remote sensing data
Soil water retention and structure stability as affected by water quality
Influences of ammonium-nitrate, food waste compost and bacterial fertilizer on soluble soil nitrogen forms and on the growth of carrot (Daucus Carota L.)
The effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe producing growth regulators on soil phosphate, growth and yield of maize and fertilizer efficiency on Ultisol
Soil hydrophysical characteristics in the Nitra river basin (Slovakia): Their monitoring, analysis, online publishing
Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacterium-actinomycetal symbiotic associations
Investigation of a novel soil analysis method in agricultural areas of Çarşamba plain for fertilizer recommendation
Copper content and distribution in vineyard soils of central Serbia
Studies on different concentration of lead (Pb) and sewage water on Pb uptake and growth of Radish (Raphanus sativus)
Heavy metal compounds in a soil of technogenic zone as indicate of its ecological state
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 2
Mapping soil salinity in irrigated land using optical remote sensing data
Soil water retention and structure stability as affected by water quality
Influences of ammonium-nitrate, food waste compost and bacterial fertilizer on soluble soil nitrogen forms and on the growth of carrot (Daucus Carota L.)
The effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe producing growth regulators on soil phosphate, growth and yield of maize and fertilizer efficiency on Ultisol
Soil hydrophysical characteristics in the Nitra river basin (Slovakia): Their monitoring, analysis, online publishing
Degradative crystal–chemical transformations of clay minerals under the influence of cyanobacterium-actinomycetal symbiotic associations
Investigation of a novel soil analysis method in agricultural areas of Çarşamba plain for fertilizer recommendation
Copper content and distribution in vineyard soils of central Serbia
Studies on different concentration of lead (Pb) and sewage water on Pb uptake and growth of Radish (Raphanus sativus)
Heavy metal compounds in a soil of technogenic zone as indicate of its ecological state
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 1
Estimation of infiltration rate and deep percolation water using feed-forward neural networks in Gorgan Province
Changes in physical conditions of a coarse textured soil by addition of organic wastes
Nitrogen fertilization plans for the main crops of Turkey to mitigate nitrates pollution
Allelopatic potential of weeds under the minimalization of soil treatment
Crop rotation with no-till methods in cotton production of Uzbekistan
Optimal network design for spatial prediction of soil redistribution (137Cs) based on a minimax approach
Effects of treatment with vermicompost on the some morphological and physiological characteristics of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents
Comparative assessment of trace metals in soils associated with casket burials: Towards implementing green burials
Using soil moisture constants and physical properties to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity
Cilt: 3 - Sayı : 1
Estimation of infiltration rate and deep percolation water using feed-forward neural networks in Gorgan Province
Changes in physical conditions of a coarse textured soil by addition of organic wastes
Nitrogen fertilization plans for the main crops of Turkey to mitigate nitrates pollution
Allelopatic potential of weeds under the minimalization of soil treatment
Crop rotation with no-till methods in cotton production of Uzbekistan
Optimal network design for spatial prediction of soil redistribution (137Cs) based on a minimax approach
Effects of treatment with vermicompost on the some morphological and physiological characteristics of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Canopy temperature for peach tree at various soil water contents
Comparative assessment of trace metals in soils associated with casket burials: Towards implementing green burials
Using soil moisture constants and physical properties to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 2
Probability mapping of saline and sodic soils in the Harran plain using a non-linear kriging technique
Probabilistic models of spatial fluctuations of edaphic properties in native soils in steppe zone of Western Siberia
Pedotransfer capacity of nickel and platinum nanoparticles in Albeluvisols Haplic in the South-East of the Western Siberia
Dynamics of soil cover state and degradation processes intensity in natural soil zones of the Altai Region
Dependence of aggregates water stability from the contents of hydrophilic and hydrophobic components in the organic matter of chernozems
Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations
Morpho-physiological changes caused by soil compaction and irrigation on Zea mays
Effects of iron and aluminum oxides and clay content on penetration resistance of five Greek soils
Determination and monitoring of land use changes by using quickbird satellite data and aerial photographs in a selected area of the Northern Adana in Turkey
The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 2
Probability mapping of saline and sodic soils in the Harran plain using a non-linear kriging technique
Probabilistic models of spatial fluctuations of edaphic properties in native soils in steppe zone of Western Siberia
Pedotransfer capacity of nickel and platinum nanoparticles in Albeluvisols Haplic in the South-East of the Western Siberia
Dynamics of soil cover state and degradation processes intensity in natural soil zones of the Altai Region
Dependence of aggregates water stability from the contents of hydrophilic and hydrophobic components in the organic matter of chernozems
Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations
Morpho-physiological changes caused by soil compaction and irrigation on Zea mays
Effects of iron and aluminum oxides and clay content on penetration resistance of five Greek soils
Determination and monitoring of land use changes by using quickbird satellite data and aerial photographs in a selected area of the Northern Adana in Turkey
The effects of some organic fertilizers on nutrient contents in hybrid Gladiolus
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 1
Groundwater quality of Assini and Iria Valleys in Peloponnese Region, Greece
Long term effect of metal pollution in the catchment area of Tisza River
Determination of potential hazelnut plantation areas based GIS model case study: Samsun city of central Black Sea region
Potential land use planning and assessment in the west part of the Büyük Menderes basin by ILSEN Model
Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays
Effects of sewage sludge on the yield of plants in the rotation system of wheat-white head cabbage-tomato
Transformation of upper part soil profile of sod-podzolic light loamy soils under the conditions of long-term soil improvement
Non-linear thermodynamic laws application to soil processes
Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia
Soil dehydrogenase activity of natural macro aggregates in a toposequence of forest soil
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 1
Groundwater quality of Assini and Iria Valleys in Peloponnese Region, Greece
Long term effect of metal pollution in the catchment area of Tisza River
Determination of potential hazelnut plantation areas based GIS model case study: Samsun city of central Black Sea region
Potential land use planning and assessment in the west part of the Büyük Menderes basin by ILSEN Model
Adsorption-desorption behaviour of chlorimuron-ethyl herbicide on homoionic clays
Effects of sewage sludge on the yield of plants in the rotation system of wheat-white head cabbage-tomato
Transformation of upper part soil profile of sod-podzolic light loamy soils under the conditions of long-term soil improvement
Non-linear thermodynamic laws application to soil processes
Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia
Soil dehydrogenase activity of natural macro aggregates in a toposequence of forest soil
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 2
Continuous Mapping of Soil pH Using Digital Soil Mapping Approach in Europe
The Morphology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Physical Implications of Foid bearing Syenite and Syenite-Carbonate Rocks Contact Zone Soils: Kırşehir-Akpınar-Buzlukdağ, Turkey
GIS and RS soil-vegetation correlations for continental salt-lands habitats in NE Romania
Wind erosion control of soils using polymeric materials
Investigation of relationship between sediment yield and landslide in Iran
Soil erodibility evaluation by splash cups under the simulated rainfalls
Effect of soil contamination with azadirachtin on dehydrogenase and catalase activity of soil
Carbon mineralization in mine tailing ponds amended with pig slurries and marble wastes
Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios
A study on the determination of electromagnetic reflection values of agricultural crop pattern to improve accuracy of land use map by remote sensing technique
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 2
Continuous Mapping of Soil pH Using Digital Soil Mapping Approach in Europe
The Morphology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Physical Implications of Foid bearing Syenite and Syenite-Carbonate Rocks Contact Zone Soils: Kırşehir-Akpınar-Buzlukdağ, Turkey
GIS and RS soil-vegetation correlations for continental salt-lands habitats in NE Romania
Wind erosion control of soils using polymeric materials
Investigation of relationship between sediment yield and landslide in Iran
Soil erodibility evaluation by splash cups under the simulated rainfalls
Effect of soil contamination with azadirachtin on dehydrogenase and catalase activity of soil
Carbon mineralization in mine tailing ponds amended with pig slurries and marble wastes
Cadmium effects on potassium content and pepper seedling growth in different peat ratios
A study on the determination of electromagnetic reflection values of agricultural crop pattern to improve accuracy of land use map by remote sensing technique
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 1
Estimation of evaporation and drainage losses from two bare soils in Sri Lanka
Methodology for the detection of contamination by hydrocarbons and further soil sampling for volatile and semi-volatile organic enrichment in former petrol stations, SE Spain
Changes in penetration resistance of a clay field with organic waste applications
Dynamic of the active fraction of organic matter in some meadow soils
Comparison of empirical models to estimate soil erosion and sediment yield in micro catchments
Soil exchangeable cations: A geostatistical study from Russia
Relationships among environmental factors influencing soil erosion using GIS (Khiav Chay Watershed, Ardabil Province)
Correlation between aggregate stability and microbiological activity in two Russian soil types
Determination of land productivity index based on parametric approach using GIS technique
Identification and prioritization of critical sub-basins in a highly mountainous watershed using SWAT model
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 1
Estimation of evaporation and drainage losses from two bare soils in Sri Lanka
Methodology for the detection of contamination by hydrocarbons and further soil sampling for volatile and semi-volatile organic enrichment in former petrol stations, SE Spain
Changes in penetration resistance of a clay field with organic waste applications
Dynamic of the active fraction of organic matter in some meadow soils
Comparison of empirical models to estimate soil erosion and sediment yield in micro catchments
Soil exchangeable cations: A geostatistical study from Russia
Relationships among environmental factors influencing soil erosion using GIS (Khiav Chay Watershed, Ardabil Province)
Correlation between aggregate stability and microbiological activity in two Russian soil types
Determination of land productivity index based on parametric approach using GIS technique
Identification and prioritization of critical sub-basins in a highly mountainous watershed using SWAT model
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