Early seedling features and mineral content of maize seeds grown under salinity stress
Early seedling features and mineral content of maize seeds grown under salinity stress
High seedling performance is crucial for the growth and development of plants, as it directly affects the potential for crop yield. Therefore, robust early seedling characteristics can lead to higher yields and better crop productivity. This work evaluated the early seedling characteristics of maize seeds grown under four irrigation water salinities (0.30, 1.5, 3.5, and 7 dS m-1). For this purpose, maize plants were grown to maturity in pots under rain shelter conditions, and then maize seeds were harvested. Subsequently, the maize seeds germinated to determine the early seedling characteristics, the leaf's Na+, Ca+2, K+ content, and the K+/ Na+, Ca+2/ Na+. The results showed that irrigation of maize crops at 7.0 dS m-1 reduced seedling fresh weight, root fresh weight, and SPAD parameters by 46.9%, 78.1%, and 38.7%, respectively, compared to 0.30 dS m-1. Irrigation of maize plants with 8.0 dS m-1 significantly hampered the reusability of maize seeds and decreased seedling height (7.81 cm), root dry weight (0.13 g), and root length (5.5 cm). Moreover, the highest ratios of K+/Na+ (12.58) and Ca+2/Na+ (3.46) ratios and the lowest leaf Na+ content (0.24%) of maize seedlings were found in 0.30 dS m-1 treatment. Based on the results, it could be suggested that the reusability of maize seeds, which irrigation maize crops with ≥ 3.5 dS m-1 saline water, is not recommended for sustainable maize production due to low seedling growth performance. Finally, the current study has the potential to provide important insights into identifying robust and healthy maize seeds grown in high-salinity environments.
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