The Turkish invasions i.e. irruptions by the Turkish armed troops into the Slovene countries lasted from the beginning of the 15th to the end of the 17th century. The Turkish expansion to the Balkan Peninsula and then towards the middle of Europe was slowed down on the Bosnian and Herzegovinian border. It stopped completely at the end of the 16th century with the battle at Sisak in Croatia (1593). In Hungary, in the direction of the region of Prekmurje, the expansion stopped in the second half of the 17th century. Thus Turkish invasions lasted from 1408 to 1684 not only on the (contemporary European) Slovene state, but also outside its territory, on the then Slovene ethnic space: in Friuli and towards Trieste (Italy), in Carinthia (Austria) and in Istria (Croatia). All of this had a negative influence on the relations with the Turks and increased the opposition towards them. At the same time it strengthened people’s awareness about their affiliation towards Western Christianity. In a narrower sense it invigorated the awareness about the same threatened psychophysical environment. In the perception of the Slovene people, that time was formed by a variety of different artistic types. They dealt with Turkish themes, also in music. The development of Slovene music i.e. the music in Slovenia was at that time very rich (from the 15th to the 17th century). Here and there it was more or less near and equal to West European music of that time. It was completely normal that it was touched by Turkish influences, too. These were reflected in folk and in artificial music, as well as in its church and in secular repertoires. There is a rich repertory of war and battle songs. These have kept the Turkish themes in Slovenian music alive till nowadays; although the Slovene space and time were marked by Jacobus Gallus. With his own madrigals, masses and motets he developed into a musical person of Europe-wide importance.


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