Turkey is a culturally diverse nation comprised of many ethnicities, each influencingthe artistic and cultural landscape of the country with its distinctive style. Amongthe these ethnicities Roma are the most talented group in terms of adaptation. Themost important reason is the necessity to interact with others as a occupational.Interaction requires the skill of adaptation, so as a result of this process thehybridization can be emerged.In the context of this article, the term hybridization refers to describe processes ofintercultural contact, mixing and combination in the moment of cultural exchange.When there are contacts between communities, -especially musical ones- theinfluences flow in both directions and the result are mostly creative hybrid culturalpractices. The process of globalization is contributing to hybridization today, mostvisibly in the world music performances, from Turkey to India, by conventionalwestern musical instruments and music industry. As an example of Multiplehybridization practices of Tepecik Filarmoni Orkestrası (Tepecik PhilharmonicOrchestra) is remarkable


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