Factors Associated with Absenteeism in High Schools

Factors Associated with Absenteeism in High Schools

Problem Statement: There are many factors that affect student achievementdirectly and indirectly at the secondary educational level. Lowerattendance rates have been cited as detrimental to academic achievement;therefore, it is suggested that improved attendance is a direct indicator,rather than determinant of students’ academic achievement.Purpose of Study: The main purpose of this study was to investigate theeffect of individual, family and school variables on absenteeism amonghigh school students.Method: Data for this study was collected via a survey of 581 students fromthe 9th – 11th grades, selected with cluster sampling from secondaryschools in Burdur. Among the respondents, 44% were males and 56%females. The data collection instrument consisted of five sections includingpersonal information, causes of absenteeism, school commitment, qualityof school environment, and parental control. The Causes of AbsenteeismScale was developed by the researchers for secondary school students. Thescale consists of three dimensions: individual, family, and school-basedreasons. Parental Behavioral Control was assessed using a 20-itemmeasure recording the degree to which a parent monitors the adolescent’sbehavior or actions. The School Attachment Scale was used to measure thedegree of children’s and adolescents’ school attachment. ComprehensiveSchool Climate Assessment Scale dimensions (teacher-student relationshipand student activities) and Quality of Life Scale dimensions (studentstudentrelationship and school management) were used to measure thequality of the school environment. The model was tested using LISREL 8.3with maximum likelihood estimation.


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