Evaluation of Burnout Levels in Teachers regarding Socio-Demographic Variables, Job Satisfaction and General Self-Efficacy

Evaluation of Burnout Levels in Teachers regarding Socio-Demographic Variables, Job Satisfaction and General Self-Efficacy

Evaluation of Burnout Levels in Teachers regarding Socio-DemographicVariables, Job Satisfaction and General Self-Efficacy with the Ministry of National Education regarding socio-demographic variables, job satisfaction, and general self-efficacy levels. Research Methods: The descriptive method and relational scanning model were used in the study. The research group consists of 297 females and 155 males. This total of 452 teachers participated in theSpecial Education Specialist Training Course inAydın/Kuşadası, Mersin, and Erzurum provincesbetween 04/20/2015 and 07/10/2015 for participantsin different cities of Turkey. A Personal InformationForm created by the researchers, along with theBurnout Scale-Short Form (BS-SF), Minnesota JobSatisfaction Scale, and General Competence Belief Scale (GCBS) were used in the research. Inthe analysis of the data, t-test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlationcoefficient, and multiple regression analysis were used. Findings: As a result of the analysis,significant negative correlations were found between teachers’ occupational burnout levelsand levels of job satisfaction and general competence beliefs. Also, job satisfaction and generalcompetence belief levels together were a significant precursor of occupational burnout levels. Implications for Research and Practice: The work environment of special education teachersshould be improved, and they should be provided social opportunities. The emphasis shouldbe on family education studies. The burden of special education teachers should be reducedby providing the necessary counseling and guidance services for families parenting childrenwith disabilities.


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