School-Based and Faculty-Based Teaching Practices Student Teachers Gain Classroom Experiences

School-Based and Faculty-Based Teaching Practices Student Teachers Gain Classroom Experiences

Teaching experiences in school-based contexts considerably contribute to student teachers’ teaching performance throughout their pre-service education process. An additional attempt to increase teaching competency is incorporating microteaching practices into pre-service education. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how awareness level of student teachers of English for the teaching profession is increased in terms of both microteaching and school-based experiences. The participants of the study were the fourth-year student teachers studying at the English Language Teaching Department (ELT) at a Turkish university. The study is a descriptive and longitudinal one in nature. Both qualitative and quantitative research tools were used for data collection. The overall results of the study revealed that school-based experience fostered professional consciousness and teaching practice development. The comparative results of the study demonstrated that schools are more ideal learning communities than microteaching sessions for student teachers to be professionally matured. On the other hand, microteaching practices were also proclaimed to be priming and supportive teaching experiences.


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