Evaluation of Turkey’s New English Language Teaching Program of Lower Secondary School in terms of Peace Education

Evaluation of Turkey’s New English Language Teaching Program of Lower Secondary School in terms of Peace Education

Different types of violence are being experienced in different parts of the world. This situation leads to serious problems such as violating human rights in different aspects of human life and nature. Violence and its effects make peace education significant to overcome violence and its effects in a peaceful way. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate whether peace education is integrated with the new English language teaching program (ELTP) of lower secondary education of Turkey by evaluating it in terms of peace education. It was designed as a qualitative study. The new ELTP of lower secondary school was used as the source document to collect the data. Document analysis was generated within the collected data. The findings indicated that the new ELTP of lower secondary school is integrated with peace education through different units in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades. They also showed that those units are related to peace education in terms of their themes and/or target language functions. The findings were discussed, the implications and limitations of the study were specified, and suggestions for further studies were made.


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