The science of economics is divided into fields within itself. Economic history, which has an important place in these fields, has aspects that support those approaches that include economic thought and also form economic thought. Approaches of economic thought covering the field of economic history are also important in understanding the concept of economics. In this context, the understanding of the economic thought structure in the Ottoman Empire is examined through normative and positive approaches. It can be said that Ottoman economic thought was in a dilemma between traditional and modern approaches. While some scholars see the basis of the economic structure as normative and the progress in the core of the traditional structure, other scholars see progress on the basis of the positive modern structure. In this respect, the Ottoman theory of economic thought includes approaches that include the whole of social, economic, religious, and mystical values. It is seen that the basis of understanding Ottoman economic thought is possible by understanding the society's mentality. The economic life in the Ottoman Empire, which was not modern but showed developments in itself, took care not to disrupt its traditional structure. The Ottomans, who developed a unique social approach, tried to keep themselves closed to external influences. It is understood that there are developments that show the opposite of this situation. This research, in which comparative approaches are explained, aims to convey how traditional and modern thought went through in Ottoman society. In this study, the main lines of the intellectual world in the Ottoman Empire are explained on the axis of economic thought. Economic approaches are considered as a whole of normative and positive values and examined in this way. The research was examined and concluded on these values.



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Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1304-0278
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2002
  • Yayıncı: Cahit AYDEMİR