Erken koroner aterosklerozu nedeniyle bypass yapılan homozigot ailevi hiperkolesterolemili bir olgu

Düz deri ksantomaları ile belirti veren homozigot ailevi hiperkolesteroleminin en korkulan komplikasyonu erken koroner aterosklerozdur. Dokuz yıllık klinik izleminde diyet ve ilaçla plazma total kolesterol ve LDL düzeyleri düşürülemeyen, rutin kardiyolojik kontrolde efor testinin pozitif olması nedeni ile yapılan selektif koroner anjiografide sağ ve sol ana koroner arterlerde darlık tespit edilen ve koroner bypass operasyonu yapılan ailevi hiperkolesterolemili 14 yaşındaki kız olgu sunuldu.

A case with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia performed coronary bypass due to premature coronary arteriosclerosis

The most important complication of homozigous familial hypercholesterolemia that presents with plain skin xanthomas is premature coronary arteriosclerosis. We present a fourteen-year-old girl with familial hypercholesterolemia whose plasma total cholesterol and LDL levels remained high despite diet and antihyperlipidemic therapy during 9 years of following. She was asymptomatic, but her late routine exercise test positive, therefore selective coronary angiography was performed, which revealed atherosclerotic occlusion in the right and left main coronary artery. Then, the case was perfomed coronary bypass.


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