Tarihsel olarak tüm düşünce akımlarında olduğu gibi feminizm de birçok


Marxist feminism, radical feminism, difference feminism are situated under thisroof. Catharine A. MacKinnon is the first theorist and leading representative ofradical feminist current. According to the author, gender is the main distinctionfactor of the dominance relations in a patriarchal society. For this reason,liberal feminism, Marxist feminism and difference feminism cannot adequatelyexplain the dominance that women are exposed to and cannot come up withadequate means to resolve those issues. MacKinnon, in line with her analyses,proposes to ban pornography, to adopt woman’s point of view in determiningculpability in rape cases, to ban prostitution but to not criminalize women, totreat sexual harassment as gender discrimination and to provide meaningfulaccess to abortion to women.


  • Bennoune, Karima: “Why Does It Matter If Women Were Human: Catharine MacKinnon’s Contributions to International Law”, Tulsa Law Review, C: 46, S: 1, 2010, ss. 107-122.
  • Cornell, Drucilla: “Re: Sexual Difference, the Feminine, and Equivalency: A Critique of Catharine MacKinnon’s Toward a Feminist Theory of the State”, The Yale Law Journal, C: 100, S: 7, 1991, ss. 2247-2275.
  • Çağlar Gürgey, Fatma İrem: “‘Feminist Hukuk Kuramı’ Nedir?”, Hukuk Kuramı, C: 1, S: 5, 2014, ss. 28-44.
  • Çakır, Serpil: “Kapitalizm ve Patriarkaya Karşı: Sosyalist Feminizm”, Toplum ve Demokrasi, C: 2, S: 4, 2008, ss. 185-196.
  • Demir Hilal, Nazlı: Feminist Perspektiften Düşünce Tarihinin Köşe Taşları ve İdeal bir Hukuk Arayışı, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2017.
  • Dworkin, Ronald M.: “Women and Pornography”, New York Review of Books, C: 40, S: 12, 1993, ss. 36-42.
  • Eisenstein, Zillah R.: “Some Notes on the Relations of Capitalist Patriarchy”, Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case For Socialist Feminism, Ed: Z. R. Eisenstein, Monthly Review Press, New York 1979, ss. 41- 52.
  • Karacan, Olcay: “Catharine MacKinnon’un ‘Tahakküm Yaklaşımı’ Çerçevesinde Boşanma Davalarında Affetme”, Hukuk ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları, Ed: G. Uygur/N. Özdemir, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2018, ss. 393-412
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: Butterfly Politics, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts 2017.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Difference and Dominance: On Sex Discrimination”, Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology, Ed: A. E. Cudd/R. O. Andreasen, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2005, ss. 392- 403.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory”, Signs, C: 7, S: 3, 1982, ss. 515-544.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law, Harvard Universiy Press, Massachusetts 1987.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: Feminist Bir Devlet Kuramına Doğru, Çev: T Yöney/S. Yücesoy, 2. Baskı, Metis Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2015.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Not a Moral Issue”, Yale Law & Policy Review, C: 2, S: 2, 1984, ss. 321-345.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: Only Words, Massachusetts: Harvard Universiy Press, 3. Baskı, 1996.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech”, Feminist Philosophies, 2. Baskı, Ed: J. A. Kourany ve diğerleri, Prentice Hall Publishing, New Jersey 1999, ss. 367-384.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Sexuality, Pornography, and Method: ‘Pleasure under Patriarchy’”, Ethics, C: 99, S: 2, 1989, ss. 314-346.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Substantive Equality: A Perspective”, Minnesota Law Review, C: 96, S: 1, 2011, ss. 1-27.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Toward A Renewed Equal Rights Amendment: Now More Than Ever”, Harvard Journal of Law & Gender, C: 37, S: 2, 2014, ss. 569-579.
  • MacKinnon, Catharine A.: “Trafficking, Prostitution, and Inequality”, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, C: 46, S: 2, 2011, ss. 271-309.
  • Mikkola, Mari: “Feminist Perspectives on Sex and Gender”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2017, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ feminism-gender/ (Son erişim tarihi: 1.9.2019)
  • Nussbaum, Martha C.: Sex & Social Justice, Oxford University Press, New York 1999.
  • Uggen, Christopher/Blackstone, Amy: “Sexual Harassment as a Gendered Expression of Power”, American Sociological Review, C: 69, S: 1, 2004, ss. 64-92.
  • Uygur, Gülriz: “Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Adalet: Hukuk Adaletsizdir”, Ankara Barosu Dergisi, C: 1, S: 4, 2015, ss. 121-132.
  • http://www.law.umich.edu/ (Son erişim tarihi: 1.9.2019)