Surelerin Belirli Dönemlere ve Olaylara İzâfesi

Bu makalede özellikle son dönemde Kur’ân surelerini dönemlere göre tasnif edendört araştırmacı ve ilgili çalışmaları ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışmalarda Mekkî sureler; nüzulrivayetleri, surelerin üslup ve içerikleri dikkate alınarak dönemlere ayrılmış, aynızamanda sureler, bu dönemlerde cereyan eden olaylarla da ilişkilendirilmiştir. Yine bumakalede, ilgili çalışmalarda kullanılan yöntemler ve elde edilen sonuçlar üzerinde durulmuş,ictihada dayalı bu türden tasnifl erde ortak sonuçlara ulaşılmasının imkânı sorgulanmıştır.Ancak bu çalışma, herkes tarafından kabul edilebilecek bir sure tertibininmümkün olmayışı yanında, belki de bu imkânsızlığın bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkandönemsel tasnif çalışmalarında da ortak bir sonuca ulaşılamayacağını göstermektedir. 

The Association of Surahs to Certain Time Periods and Events

Efforts to understand the Quran has continued uninterrupted since its revelationperiod and the interpretation activity has been carried out using certain methods untiltoday. There are three different approaches to the interpretation of the Qur’an. Firstly,commentaries that are written according to the composition of Companion Osman’smushaf; secondly, commentaries that are based on a subject that do not take this intoaccount; the third one is the interpretation made by organizing the verses according tothe time of revelation. Identifying the order of revelation and making the interpretationin accordance with this order is also used as a method. For this purpose, researchers have benefited from knowledge of asbab al-nuzul and Meccan-medinan verses. On theother hand, the thought that the verses cannot be identifi ed according to chronologicalorder, has led the researchers to classify the verses according to specifi c periods andmake comments based on the events of that period. These studies sometimes haveencompassed the whole peroid and sometimes in-depth studies conducted on the timeperiod of certain ranges.This article discusses the work of four recent researchers who classifi ed Qur’ansurahs according to time periods. These studies have classifi ed surahs according tonarrations about their time of revelation and the style and content of the surahs. Theyalso associated the surahs with the events that took place in this period. Additionallythis article focuses on the methods used and the results obtained in these relevantworks and questions the possibility of achieving common results in such kind classifi -cations that are based on ijtihad. However, due to the impossibility of a time classifi -cation of surahs that is accepted by everyone, this paper also shows the impossibilityof reaching a common conclusion in the studies on periodic classifi cation of surahs.