Teacher candidates’ point of views about portfolio preparation (Turkey setting)

Teacher candidates’ point of views about portfolio preparation (Turkey setting)

This study aims at identifying teacher candidates’ perspectives about the process of portfolio (the file of product) preparation. The quantitative data of this study was based on 110 first-year students at the primary school teacher education department (teacher candidates) and the qualitative data was composed of 15 teacher candidates’ semi-structured interviews. As data collection tools, “The Inventory of Portfolio Preparation (PPI)” and semi-structured interview forms were used. The data was analysed through descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results of the study indicated that PPI develops teacher candidates’ research and thinking skills and it is an important assessment technique. In addition; teacher candidates mentioned that time is one of their essential problems in the process of portfolio preparation and in order for a productive practice of this process, guidance should be given more effectively.


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