Analyzing of 5thGrade Science Textbooks in Terms of Measurement and Assessment Techniques

Analyzing of 5thGrade Science Textbooks in Terms of Measurement and Assessment Techniques

The aim of this study was to examine the measurement and assessment techniques presented in 5th grade science textbooks in Turkey. Four science textbooks published by different companies and employed in 5thgrade level was investigated in the study. Content analysis was used to examine the science textbooks. The obtained findings revealed that traditional techniques are widely used in 5thgrade science textbooks in Turkey and that the type and usage rate of measurement and assessment techniques differentiate according to publishers and units. Also, it was observed that some type of the alternative and traditional assessment techniques do not appear in the textbooks. Resultsofthisstudyindicatethatmeasurementand assessmentunderstanding reflected in the science textbooks used in 5thgrade does not accord with the science curriculum at the desired level. At the end of the paper, findings are discussed and suggestions are represented


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