SÜTTE BULUNAN DOĞAL ANTİMİKROBİYAL SİSTEMLER VE BUNLARIN GIDA SANAYİİNDE KULLANIMISüt, dişi memeli hayvanların meme bezlerinden salgılanan, kendine özgü tat, koku ve kıvamda olan hemen hemen tüm besin öğelerini yeterli ve dengeli bir şekilde bünyesinde bulunduran bir gıda maddesidir. Süt sadece sahip olduğu değerli besin maddelerinden dolayı değil yapısında bulundurduğu antimikrobiyal maddelerden dolayı da önemli bir gıda maddesidir. Sütte en çok bulunan doğal antimikrobiyaller laktoferrin, laktoperoksidaz ve lizozimdir. Son yıllarda bu maddeler üzerinde birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu derlemede sütte bulunan antimikrobiyal sistemlerin yapısı ve özellikleri, antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri ve gıda sanayinde kullanım alanları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir.THE NATURAL ANTIMICROBIAL SYSTEMS IN MILK AND THEIR UTILIZATION IN FOOD INDUSTRYMilk is a foodstuff, secreted by mammary glands of female mammals, includes almost all nutrients by adequate and balanced manner and has own taste, odor and consistency. Milk is an important foodstuff not only its owned valuable nutrients but also antimicrobial agents that have in its structure. The most abundant natural antimicrobials in milk are lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and lysozyme. In recent years, many studies have been done on these substances. this review informs about structure and properties of antimicrobial systems in milk and , antimicrobial activities and this systems application areas in food industries.

Sütte Bulunan Doğal Antimikrobiyal Sistemler Ve Bunların Gıda Sanayiinde Kullanımı

Milk is a foodstuff, secreted by mammary glands of female mammals, includes almost all nutrients by adequate and balanced manner and has own taste, odor and consistency. Milk is an important foodstuff not only its owned valuable nutrients but also antimicrobial agents that have in its structure. The most abundant natural antimicrobials in milk are lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and lysozyme. In recent years, many studies have been done on these substances. this review informs about structure and properties of antimicrobial systems in milk and , antimicrobial activities and this systems application areas in food industries


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  • Geliş Tarihi:11.02.2013 Kabul Tarihi: 19.04.2013