KETEN TOHUMU ÇEŞİTLERİNİN N-BÜTANOL FRAKSİYONLARININ FENOLİK BİLEŞENLERİNİN ANTİOKSİDAN AKTİVİTESİSon yıllarda tüketiciler gıdaları sadece temel beslenme aracı olarak değil, aynı zamanda sağlık üzerinde faydalı etkileri bulunan maddeler olarak da görmeye başladılar. Keten tohumu, sağlık üzerindeki faydaları ve bazı hastalıklarda koruyucu rol oynaması nedeni ile son yıllarda önem kazanmıştır. Keten tohumunun zengin kimyasal içeriği olduğu bilinmektedir. α –linolenik asit ve iyi kaliteli protein açısından zengin olan keten tohumu flavonoid, lignan ve fenolik asitler gibi fitokimyasalların da doğal kaynağıdır. Keten tohumu fenolik bileşiklerin en zengin kaynaklarındandır. Fenoliklerin zengin içeriği sayesinde yağı uzaklaştılmış keten tohumu biyoaktivitesi geniş spektrum gösterir. Keten tohumu çeşitlerinden izole edilen nbütanol fraksiyonlarının antioksidan aktiviteleri DPPH serbest radikal, indirgeme gücü, toplam fenolik bileşik miktarı ve hidrojen peroksiti giderme gibi çeşitli metotlarla değerlendirildi. Bütillendirilmiş hidroksi anisol (BHA) ve bütillendirilmiş hidroksi toluen (BHT) referans antioksidan bileşikler olarak kullanıldı. Bu çalışmada farklı keten tohumu çeşitlerin antioksidan aktivitesi incelenmiş, sentetik antioksidanlar yerine kullanabilirliği açısından konuya ışık tutulmaya çalışılmıştır.ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF PHENOLIC COMPONENTS FROM N-BUTANOL FRACTION OF FLAXSEED VARIETIESIn recent years, consumers have begun to look at food not only for basic nutrition, but also for health benefits. Flaxseed, has been gaining popularity,due to the repots on its health benefits and disease preventive properties. Flaxseed is known contains a variety of constituents. Flaxseed is an important plant source containing beneficial compounds for health besides being rich in α-linolenic acid and good quality protein, flaxseed has potential as a natural source of phytochemicals such as flavonoids, lignans and phenolic acids. Flaxseed is the richest source of phenolic compounds. Owing to high content of phenolics, defatted flaxseed meal exhibites broad spectrum of bioactivities. Antioxidant activity of isolated n-bütanol fractions from different types of flaxseed were evaluated by various methods such as DPPH free radical, reducing power, total phenolic contents and consuming of hydrogen peroxide. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) were used as the reference antioxidant compounds. This study investigated the antioxidant activity of different varieties of flax seed, rather than synthetic antioxidants tried to shed some light on the subject in terms of usability

Keten Tohumu Çeşitlerinin N-Bütanol Fraksiyonlarının Fenolik Bileşenlerinin Antioksidan Aktivitesi

In recent years, consumers have begun to look at food not only for basic nutrition, but also for health benefits. Flaxseed, has been gaining popularity,due to the repots on its health benefits and disease preventive properties. Flaxseed is known contains a variety of constituents. Flaxseed is an important plant source containing beneficial compounds for health besides beingrich in α-linolenic acid and good quality protein, flaxseed has potential as a natural source of phytochemicals such as flavonoids, lignans and phenolic acids. Flaxseed is the richest source of phenolic compounds. Owing to high content of phenolics, defatted flaxseed meal exhibites broad spectrum of bioactivities. Antioxidant activity of isolated n-bütanol fractions from different types of flaxseed were evaluated by various methods such as DPPH free radical, reducing power, total phenolic contents and consuming of hydrogen peroxide. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) were used as the reference antioxidant compounds. This study investigated the antioxidant activity of different varieties of flax seed, rather than synthetic antioxidants tried to shed some light on the subject in terms of usability


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