Türkiye’de ilahiyat fakülteleri felsefe ve din bilimleri bölümlerinde okutulan din sosyolojisi, din psikolojisi, dinler tarihi, din eğitimi vb. dersler, ilgili bilim dallarının bir alt dalı olarak konumlanmaktadır. Örneğin din sosyolojisi, hem genel sosyoloji ve metodolojiye (nesnellik) hem de ilahiyat alanına (normatiflik) bağlı bir disiplindir. Bu ikili durum birtakım sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Birincisi, bu öğrencilerin lisans düzeyinde ana disiplinlerin kuramsal ve metodolojik eğitimini yeterli düzeyde alamayışıdır. İkinci sorun ise öğrenci ya da araştırmacı rolünde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Lisansüstü eğitim, bu rolün kazanıldığı ve pratik edildiği süreçle ilişkilidir. Bu süreçte temel ilgi alanı da yöntem bilgisidir. Sosyal bilimlerde yöntem tartışmalarının doğası gereği, doğa bilimlerine bağımlılıktan kaynaklanan ikircikli bir yapısı vardır. Genelde bu, iki epistemolojiye dayanır: Pozitivist paradigma ve uzantısı nicel yöntem ile anlayıcı/yorumcu kuram ve buna dayalı nitel yöntem. Bu çalışmanın temel problemi, ana hatlarıyla ele alınan sosyal bilimlerde yöntembilimsel uygulamaların ilahiyat fakülteleri öğrencilerinin sosyal bilimler enstitüleri bünyesinde yaptıkları lisansüstü eğitim çalışmalarında nasıl bir karşılık bulduğu ve burada yapılan tezlerde karşılaşılan bazı yöntemsel sorunların ne olduğu ile ilgilidir. Bu çalışmada, Erciyes Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi mezunu öğrencilerinin Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü bünyesinde din sosyoloji alanında yapmış olduğu tezlerden hareketle, nicel-nitel araştırma modellerinin uygulanması ve objektif-normatif bakış açılar


In social sciences there is an ambivalent structure because of the nature of the methodological discussions and the dependence on natural sciences. Generally, this is based on two paradigms: One of them is the positivist paradigm/the quantitative method based on sociological observation and trying to explain causality relation. The other one is interpretive theory/the qualitative method based on finding the intention/meaning behind of the behavior of the individual. The principles of 'objectivity' and 'reality' of the positivist approach have played an important role especially in the establishment and institutionalization processes of social sciences and has maintained its influence as the epistemological and ontological cornerstones of science for many years (Williams, 1999, p. 104). This understanding is more firmly held in our country around the social sciences and it has sometimes turned to an ideology used against all normative values/orientations (Taş, 2011, p. 68). Here, I think it is important to draw attention to the relation of such paradigms to social structures. For example, contrary to modernity, in the postmodern culture that challenges the understanding of “unified reality’ and great narratives, multiple reality and the associated epistemologies have brought together new methodological discussions (Bird, 2015, pp. 201-202). In this process the problems of objectivity and value-ladenness has arisen as considerable debates and criticisms and so in social sciences, some research methodologies have been developed based on value-independent/presupposition approaches as well as the principle of value-free (Lewins, 2011, p. 29). The main problem of this study is how the graduates of the theology faculties use these methodological applications in social sciences in their dissertations within Institutes of Social Sciences and what the main methodological problems are in these dissertations. The sociological point of view is based here. Sociological perspective is based on sociological theory; sociological theory guides what and how to be investigated and contributes to the emergence of systematic research-based outcomes (Cole, 1999). In this study, it is aimed to discuss the findings about the application of quantitative and qualitative research models, reconciliation of objective and normative perspectives, based on the theses prepared by the graduates of Erciyes University Faculty of Theology in the fields of sociology of religion and sociology of psychology within Institute of Social Sciences. The theses, prepared by students graduated from the departments of sociology and psychology, have been included into sample to create a comparison ground. From these discussions, it should not be understood these theses have been completed and accepted in this way. The problems discussed here are limited to the stages that the theses haven’t been completed and accepted. In this area, we are faced with two fundamental problems that we have determined in the light of the related literature, thesis studies and our observations. The first is that the students of Faculty of Theology do not take enough theoretical and methodological education concerning the main disciplines (sociology, psychology, etc.) at undergraduate level. The second one emerges at the level of graduate education and at the role of researcher. These students gain a more normative and value-laden view because of the nature of the education they receive, and this can contradict a critical and objective view at the scientific level. Therefore, field courses given at the graduate level in Departments of Philosophy and Religious Sciences require an additional effort to compensate these deficiencies and contradictions in terms of epistemological and methodological. We can summarize the findings we reached in this study as follows: - The courses and its contents related to social sciences and methods that the students take at the undergraduate do not provide them a sufficient background for graduate education. - In the first years of the undergraduate education at Faculty of Theology, most of the students are in an attitude to learn basic Islamic sciences, and in the following years they seem to be more interested in philosophy and social sciences, especially in sociology of religion and psychology of religion ( Çapcıoğlu, 2004, p. 221). - Despite the low level of indecision in the students of theology faculty compared to the students in other faculties (Sardoğan, Karahan & Kaygusuz, 2006, p. 17), it is observed that in the course of the topic selection and the following research processes, the students are mainly solving their problems with their supervisors. - In Department of Sociology of Religion in Erciyes University Faculty of Theology, quantitative research model is generally applied in master’s studies. One of the problems encountered in the theses is the students don’t possess the terminology and don’t follow Turkish writing rules. Similar problems can also be seen in the quotations and references that they use in their theses. As a result, it is worthwhile to pay attention once again to the following points: - It can be said that the courses in sociology and social sciences at the graduate level are given in sufficient credits and content. However, the impression that these courses taken at the undergraduate level are not enough and does not constitute a meaningful background is widespread. It is important to pay attention to the importance of undergraduate education and the necessity of taking such courses in undergraduate programs in terms of the permanence and persistence of knowledge and critical thinking. - In order to adopt the methodological knowledge and research techniques permanently, emphasis should be given to student-centered practical studies during the course period and in this way, students need to be encouraged to study on papers and projects, and therefore to write more.


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