İslâm düşüncesinde varlık imkânla ilişkisi bakımından üç biçimde değerlendirilmiştir. İlki, zâtında imkân bulundurmayan varlık olup bu, Tanrı'dır. İkincisi, zâtında imkânı bilkuvve olan ve zorunlu olmayan varlıktır. Bu varlık var olmak zorunda değildir. Var olmaya da yok olmaya da eşit mesafededir. Bu iki yaklaşım hem İslâm felsefesi hem de kelâmda ittifakla kabul edilmiştir. Üçüncü yaklaşımda ise imkân, varlıktan önce olmayıp, aksine zâtta imkânı bilfiil varlığıyla birlikte bulunur ve başkasıyla zorunlu şeklinde ifade edilir. İslâm filozofları ay üstü âlem, akıllar ve diğer ezeli yaratıkları bu şekilde başkasıyla zorunlu kategorisinde değerlendirir. Bilfiil var olan varlığı bir şekilde zorunlulukla ilişkilendiren filozoflar karşısında kelâmcılar ise imkân vasfının zorunluluk ile bir arada kullanılmaması gerektiğini ileri sürerler. Bu çalışmada İslâm felsefesi ve kelâmda zorunluluğun mümkün varlıkla ilişkilendirilmesi bakımından ortaya çıkan farklı yorum ve anlayışların bu disiplinlerin varlık tasnifi, âlem tasavvuru, âlemin yaratılması ve ezelîliği, Tanrı-âlem ilişkisi gibi konularında ne gibi yansımaları olduğu ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikle imkân kavramının arka planı genel hatlarıyla açıklandıktan sonra İslâm filozoflarının ortaya koyduğu biçimde zorunlulukla ilişkilendirilen mümkün varlık tasavvuru incelenmiştir. Daha sonra müteahhir dönem kelâmcıların bu tasavvura yönelik itirazları ilk olarak varlık tasnifi ikinci olarak ise metafizik sonuçları açısından iki başlık altında ele alınmıştır.


In Islamic thought, being (wujūd) was evaluated in three ways in relation to the possibility (imkân). The first is God, who has no possibilities in his essence (zât). The second is the entity, possibility of which is latent in his essence and not necessary. This entity does not have to exist. It is equally distant to existence or non-existence. These two approaches were accepted both in Islamic philosophy and Kalâm with the alliance. In the third approach, the possibility is not before the being, but on the contrary, it exists in the essence together with its actual possibility and it is expressed as the entity which is possible in itself but necessary through another. Islamic philosophers consider celestial beings, minds and other eternal creatures in this category of necessary through another. In contrast to the philosophers who associate an actual being with the necessity in a certain way, the theologians argue that the quality of possibility should not be used together with necessity (wujûb). In this study, we have searched for the term of possible in itself but necessary through another being in the way that the philosophers put forward and the objections of the theologians to it. From this point, we aim to reveal the effects of the different approaches of the two disciplines about the possible being on their conception of the world. In particular, two great Muslim philosophers, Farabi (d. 379/950) and Ibn Sina (d. 428/1037), gave great importance to the necessary-possible classification while forming their understanding of existence. For example, according to Farabi, the possible being is the latter being that are missing regarding the existence and it is between existence and non-existence. That’s why, Farabi expresses that there is no given existence to the possibility in its own nature. However, the first reason has made both the things that are likely and unlikely to exist possible. In this way, Farabi expressed the possible being that became actual, with the word absolute. Ibn Sina, makes the concept of possibility, metaphysical dimension of which had not become clear yet in his predecessor Farabi, one of the most central concepts of metaphysical thinking. According to him, possibility means the possible being in terms nature of the world. From this point of view, he refers to a class of independent being. However, he uses the term possible in itself (wājib al-wujūd bi-dhātihi) but necessary through another (wājib al-wujūd bi ghayrihi) to denote that there is a reason for every being which is actual. The reason for this is defined as the thing that brings the possibility into the body. That means; something that is possible to exist becomes necessary as there is a cause for it to exist. In other words, the cause of possible being is also the reason for its being described as necessary at the same time. In this context, Ibn Sina uses the term: "All possible to exist, does not exist unless it is necessary when compared to its cause." For Ibn Sina, who embraced the understanding of emanation (sudur), this necessity continues until the First Reason. Only the First Reason is a necessary being with itself, not because of the others but because it has no cause. The world is described as the being which is possible in itself but necessary through another though. This thought of Ibn Sina has two consequences. The first is that the world is eternal. He bases this with the idea that the cause and effect cannot be separated from each other. The second result is that the creation of the world was compulsory. He relates this with the God's goodness, generosity and knowledge. On the other hand, in the science of Kâlam, the concepts of possible, necessary and impossible from the perspective of existence classification started to be given intensively from Ghazali. We can say that it has two reasons why the theologians included these concepts. First of all, it is to reveal the mistakes of philosophers through Ibn Sina, who deals specifically with these concepts in detail. Second, it is to benefit from these concepts to improve their understanding of being. As philosophers suggest, we can state that the theologians objected to the understanding of possible being in two respects. Their initial objections are in terms of its position in the classification of entity. The second is in terms of metaphysical results. According to this, it is contradictory above all to define a being as both possible and necessary. The contradiction here is a logical contradiction. On the other side, Shahristani sees as a contradictory both Ibn Sina’s not accepting the partnership of the Necessary Being in case of necessity, but also his dividing the Necessary Being into two as necessary in its essence and necessary through another. In this respect, the Shahristani indicates that the world must directly be attributed to the Necessary Being with its essence. The reason is that he does not accept the idea of the hierarchy of being that emerged with the understanding of emanation (sudur) which is accepted by Ibn Sina and other philosophers and makes one another compulsory. According to him, such acceptance will come to mean missing the Divine Will. The conception of the world that emerges when adopted in the form of possible Kalâm is as follows: The world, whose existence or nonexistence is permissible, existed as a means of a creator if it exists. It would not need a creator (mujîd) if it was not created. The creator gave a preference. Instead of the nonexistence of the world, he chose its presence. This direction of choice and preference requires God with regard to its essence to have existed earlier than the world. In this respect, the existence of what is possible in the Kalâm sense cannot be in any way the same as Wājib al-Wujūd in terms of time, virtue and rank. The previousness, posteriority, and coexistence can also be given to two things that have a relationship between. There is no such relation between Allah a


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