Trends in Turkish Studies in Korea

1972'de Kore ve Türkiye arasında 'kültür antlaşması'nın imzalanmasının ardından, 1973'te Kore Yabancı Diller Üniversitesi'nde Türkçe Bölümü, 1989 yılında ise Ankara Üniversitesi'nde Kore Dili ve Edebiyatı bölümü kurulmuştur. Bu öncü kurumlar iki ülke arasında akademik ve özel sektör alanlarında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Son zamanlarda, Kore'de Türkiye üzerine çalışmalar ciddi bir artış göstermiştir. Bu, ilk önceleri Türkiye'yi ve Türkleri yakından tanıyan birkaç seçkin bilim adamı tarafından başlatılmıştır. Ama daha sonraları, araştırma gündemi be- şeri ve sosyal bilimlerin tüm dallarını kapsayacak şekilde genişletilmiştir. Kore'de ki Türkiye üzerine olan çalışmaların kapsamının ve derinliğinin artırılabilmesi için, Türk dilinin daha titiz bir şekilde incelenmesi gerekmektedir.

Kore'de Türkoloji Çalışmaları Eğilimi

Following the Cultural Agreement signed between Korea and Turkey in 1972, the Department of Turkish Language at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies was opened in 1973. On the other hand, the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Ankara University was established in 1989. Those pioneer institutions play an important role in academic and private sector exchanges between their respective countries. Over the last few decades, Turkish studies in Korea grew significantly. It was, first, initiated by just few select scholars who were familiar with Turkey and Turkish setting. But then, the research agenda did expand to include all branches of humanities and social sciences. In order to keep widening the scope and the depth of Turkish studies in Korea, the Turkish language should be studied more rigorously.


  • BaeK, Sang Ki (2007). Living with Turkish People for Half a Century. Seoul: L&D Publishing.
  • Dilaçar, A. (2011). History of Turkish Language.Trans. Hanwoo, Choi. Korea University of International Studies Publishing.
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  • Eom, Gu Ho (2012). "Research of Trends in Central Asian Studies in Korea". Asia Review, Vol. 2. No.1, Seoul National University Asia Center: 121-152.
  • Eun, Jaegun (1972). On the two types of participles forming relative clause constructions in turkish. Master's Thesis. Seoul: Seoul National University.
  • Freely, John (2007). Istanbul, the Imperial City. Trans. Seungnam, Min. Seoul: Minumsa Publishing.
  • Geon Soo, Han (2013). "A Methodological Reflection on African Studies in Korea and a Review for Research Topics", Asia Review, Vol. 3. No.1, Seoul National University Asia Center: 159-193.
  • Gu Ho, Eom (2012). "Research of Trends in Central Asian Studies in Korea", Asia Review, Vol. 2. No.1, Seoul National University Asia Center: 121-152.
  • Han, Geon Soo (2013). "A Methodological Reflection on African Studies in Korea and a Review for Research Topics". Asia Review, Vol. 3. No.1, Seoul National University Asia Center: 159-193.
  • Hee Chul, Lee (2012). Today's Turkey, the Crossroads of Civilizations, Seoul: Moonji Publishing: 26.
  • Hee Soo, Lee (1989). "Trends in Turkish Studies", Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 64, Institute for Korean Studies, Yonsei University: 189-204.
  • ___________ (1998). "Current Status and Challenges of Middle East Regional Studies", Journal of Regional Studies of the Seoul National University, Vol.14: 155-186.
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  • Jaemahn, Suh (1997). "Current Status and Challenges of Turkish Studies in Korea," Journal of the Korean-Turkish Academic Society, Korean- Turkish Academic Society, Vol. 1: 6.
  • Ji Eun, Lee (2011). "South Asian Studies: A Review of Trends and Problems", Asia Review, Vol. 1. No.1, Seoul National University Asia Center: 145-169.
  • Kim, Dae Sung (2006). Look in Turkey. Seoul:Hankuk University of Foreign Sudies Press.
  • Kim, Seon Don (1972). A Study of Turkish Modernization: Focus on the Content of Mustafa Kemal's Reforms. Master's Thesis. Seoul: Seoul National University.
  • Kiran, Sibel (2012). Political Image of Kemal Pasha in Modern Korea and Its Development. Master's Thesis. Seoul: Seoul National University.
  • Köroğlu, Hatice (2010). Modern Women's Identity in Novels by Na Hyeseok and Fatma Aliye Hanım. Doctorate Thesis. Seoul: Korea University.
  • Lee, Hee Soo (1989). "Trends in Turkish Studies", Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 64, Institute for Korean Studies, Yonsei University:189-204.
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  • ____________ (2004). Istanbul: Civilization Exchange of East and West. Seoul:Sallim Publishing.
  • Lee, Heechul (2012). Today's Turkey, the Crossroads of Civilizations. Seoul: Moonji Publishing: 26.
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  • Mango, Andrew (2012). Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey. Trans. Youngwan, Kuak. Seoul:Apple Media Publishing
  • Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (2007) Brother Nations of Korea and Turkey: History of Turkey's Participation in the Korean War.
  • Nan A, Lee (2014). "Turkish Literature: Research Trends and Translations in Korea", Asia Review, Vol. 3. No.2, Seoul National University Asia Center: 161-185.
  • National University Asia Center: 145-169.
  • Park, Bun Sun (2011). "Review of Researches on Southeast Asian Economy in Korea". Asia Review, Vol. 1. No.1, Seoul National University Asia Center: 227- 258.
  • Park, Gilryong (2006). Understanding Turkish History by looking at the architectural style. Seoul: Kukmin University Press. Press.
  • Sciences", Twenty Years History of Korean Association of Middle East Studies, Korean Association of The Middle East Studies: 7-14.
  • Suh, Jaemahn (1997). "Current Status and Challenges of Turkish Studies in Korea," Journal of the Korean-Turkish Academic Society, Korean- Turkish Academic Society Vol. 1: 6.
  • Uzbekistan". Institute of Central Asian Studies: 34-38.
  • Woo, Duck Chan (2014). "A Study on the Policy of Justice and Development Party(JDP) toward Alevi in Turkey". Mediterranean Review, Vol. 16. No.4:1-20
  • Yeon, Kyoo Seok (2007). Turkish Travel Conversation. Seoul:Samji Publishing.
  • ______________ (2003). A Fresh Look into Turkish Grammar. Seoul:Hankuk University of Foreign Sudies
  • Yılmaz, Özcan (2006). Turkish Lesson. Seoul: Living Books Publishing.
  • Yu, Jae Won (2010). Turkey, 10,000 Hours of Time Travel: Reading Closely the Crossroads of Eastern and Western Civilizations. Seoul: Checkmun Publishing.'"'"Bun Sun, Park (2011). "Review of Researches on Southeast Asian Economy in Korea", Asia Review, Vol. 1. No.1, Seoul National University Asia Center: 227- 258.
  • Online Websites
  • (Accessed: 22.01.2014).
  • http:// (Accessed: 25.02.2014).
  • http:// (Accessed: 18.04.2014).
  • (Accessed: 11.08.2014).
  • (Accessed: 15.11.2014).