Diyabet hastalarında antropometrik özellikler ile kan glikozu, lipidler, üre ve kreatinin arasındaki ilişkiler

Diyabette antropometrik özelliklerin açlık kan glikozu (AKG), kolesterol, trigliserid (TG), üre ve kreatinin düzeylerine etkisi olup olmadığı, varsa hangi antropometrik özelliklerin daha önemli gösterge olduğunu belirlemek amacıyla yapılan çalışma 146 NIDDM (54 erkek, 92 kadın) hastası üzerinde yürütüldü. Triseps, biseps ve karın deri kıvrım kalınlığı (DKK), boy-ağırlığa göre ağırlık durumu, beden kitle indeksi (BKİ) ve bel-kalça oranı (BKO) belirlendi. Cinsiyete ve yaşa göre değişmek üzere kan ve antropometrik parametrelerde, her antropometrik özelliğin her kan parametre düzeyine etkisinde farklılıklar görüldü. BKO arttıkça erkeklerde TG (p

Association of anthropometric characteristics and fasting blood glucose, lipids, urea and creatinine in diabetic patients

The study was carried out in 146 NIDDM (54 male, 92 female) patients in order to evaluate the associations of anthropometric characteristics [ waist-hip ratio (WHR), body mass index (BMI), skinfold thickness (triceps, biceps and abdominal] and blood components [ fasting blood gucose (FBG), cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), urea, and creatinine]. According to age, sex, and anthropometric parameters, there were significant differences in several blood parameters. Elevated TG level in males (p<0.028), and urea infernales (p<0.0015) were observed with the increasing WHR. As the triceps skin-fold thickness increased, cholesterol (p<0.05) and TG (p<0.021) levels were significantly elevated in males, but not in females (p>0.05). FBG (p<0.029) and creatinine (p<0.015) levels were significantly elevated infernales, but not in males (p>0.05) as biceps skinfold thickness increased. Depending on total subjects, sex, and anthropometric categories, several anthropometric parameters were highly correlated with cholesterol, TG, FBG, and blood pressure. Elevated WHR was found to be risk factor for urea elevation in total subjects, and in females (95% confidence interval, in total odds ratio 2,41,p<0.017; in female odds 2,98,p<0.026). Results showed that abnormal values of BMI, triceps and abdominal skinfold , and WHR could be predictors of elevated blood components studied, blood pressure, and for NIDDM.
