Çağlar Boyu Göç (Tarih-Kültür-Medeniyet)

Hem göç alan hem göç veren hem de transit ülke konumunda olan Türkiye, Afro-Avrasya göç hareketliliğinden etkilenir. Göç konusunda bu denli önemli bir yere sahip olan ve göç yollarının kavşağında bulunan Türkiye’de konuyla ilgili bilimsel çalışmaların varlığı arzulanan seviyeye ulaşmamıştır. Bununla birlikte alanyazındaki bu eksikliği gidermek bâbında Gazi Kitabevi’nden 2021 yılında bir eser yayınlanmıştır. Editörlüğünü İsa Kalaycı ve Gökhan Kalmış’ın yaptığı “Çağlar Boyu Göç (Tarih-Kültür-Medeniyet)” isimli çalışma, “bilmek” ile “göç ilişkisi” arasındaki bağlantıyı açıklamak için kurgulanmıştır. Bu eser, 29 bilim insanın kaleme aldığı çalışmalarla 23 bölümden oluşan bir kitaptır. Büyük bir özveriyle oluşturulan bu eser, 632 sayfadan ibarettir.

Migration Through the Ages (History-Culture-Civilization)

Migration, which exists at every stage of human history, is defined in different ways according to different fields of science. Migration is classified in many respects according to the reasons for its emergence. The phenomenon of migration, which has become more prominent especially in the 21st century, is an issue that concerns the whole world. In this context, it has attracted the attention of many scientists. Immigrants have preferred to leave the places where they live in and go to a better and more reliable place due to a number of problems, or they have been forced to take this action. This population movement is not a simple displacement. Because, people who migrated carried their own culture to the regions they went to in this way. This situation has led to the evaluation of the phenomenon of migration by different branches of science. Turkey, which lets in immigrants, has people emigrating, and a transit country, is affected by the Afro-Eurasian migration mobility. In Turkey, which has such an important place in migration and is at the crossroads of migration routes, the existence of scientific studies on the subject has not reached the desired level. However, in order to fill this gap in the literature, a work was published from Gazi Kitabevi in 2021. The study titled Migration Through Ages (History-Culture-Civilization), edited by İsa Kalaycı and Gökhan Kalmış, was designed to explain the connection between "knowing" and "migration relationship". This work is a book consisting of 23 chapters with the works written by 29 scientists. This work, which was created with great devotion, consists of 632 pages.


  • İsa Kalaycı ve Gökhan Kalmış (Edl.), Çağlar Boyu Göç (Tarih-Kültür-Medeniyet), Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara 2021, ISBN: 978-625-8494-22-8, XXIV+632 s.