Prospective Teachers’ Fulfilment Level of the Teaching Profession’s General Qualifications

Öz The purpose of this study is to determine the fulfilment level of general qualifications of teaching profession of prospective teachers. This study was planned in the quantitative research design and the survey model. The participants of the study consists 240 prospective teachers which determined by using cluster sampling method. Findings reveal that the prospective teachers find themselves as ‘sufficient’ in the scope of professional knowledge and professional skills and also find themselves ‘very sufficient’ in terms of teaching attitudes and values. There was a statistically significant difference in mean scores related to the prospective teachers’ fulfilling level of general qualifications of teaching profession in terms of the variables such as gender, license field, age and secondary education institution they graduated. The male prospective teachers, the prospective teachers in physical education, the prospective teachers for aged 24 years and over and the prospective teachers graduating vocational high schools find relatively low level themselves in terms of teaching profession. Based on these results, it can be suggested that prospective teachers should be educated more qualified in terms of professional skills, professional attitudes and values, especially in the context knowledge of teaching profession.


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