Towards A Science of The Ethics of The Prophet A Study in The Ten Principles of Science The History in The Light of Tarmazi And His Ethics

Towards A Science of The Ethics of The Prophet A Study in The Ten Principles of Science The History in The Light of Tarmazi And His Ethics

Scholars have written a lot about the prophetic merits, which is related to the moral and ethical attributes of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and these books are ancient, modern and contemporary, which makes this classification an independent science that we can talk about through the ten principles of science, which are definition, subject, fruits, and his virtue, And his lineage, and the one who established him, and his name, and his derives, and the rule of Sharia in his learning, and his issues, and this is one of the signs of independence. The research mentioned six benefits of studying the prophetic virtues, revolving around the increase in the love of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the ability to follow him, and that studying them will increase us in faith in the heart and gentleness in nature, and that we increase thanks to God Almighty for sending us this great Messenger, and seeing the great effort that he made Scientists have done it on this subject. Also, Imam Al-Tirmidhi has a pioneering effort in this subject through his book on the prophetic virtues, which is a blessed and important book. This is the subject of research.


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