Teaching Arabic Grammar to Turkish Students in Light of Old and Modern Strategies

Teaching Arabic Grammar to Turkish Students in Light of Old and Modern Strategies

In recent years, the Republic of Türkiye has witnessed a huge scientific development and a great interest in learning, teaching, and spreading the Arabic language. Despite all this progress, a similar development has not been observed in teaching strategies, especially in teaching grammar. Learning grammar is the foundation of any language, and no one can master that language without understanding its rules. Arabic grammar represents a significant challenge for students who speak other languages, due to its differences from the grammar of their native language. If we look at the teaching of grammar in Türkiye in particular, we find that it still largely relies on the old method of teaching, based on rules and translation. Therefore, the research addresses various strategies, methods, and techniques - some of which are old and some are modern - that can be used in teaching Arabic grammar (syntax and morphology) to Turkish students, with practical examples. The research used qualitative and comparative methods. The qualitative method examined the phenomenon in terms of study, research, and educational literature. The comparative method was also used through a linguistic comparison of some rules in Arabic and Turkish languages. Furthermore, a language comparison was made between Arabic and Turkish grammar rules. The research concluded with some recommendations and advice for Arabic language and grammar teachers in Türkiye.


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