Positive Aspects of Migration in Prophetic Hadiths and Traces

Positive Aspects of Migration in Prophetic Hadiths and Traces

Abstract Muslim jurists divided migration into two categories: migration by choice and migration by necessity, and each category is divided into several subcategories as well. Migration has been divided into commendable and deplorable, as it has benefits and harms as well. Muslim jurists did not look at migration from the perspective of this world only, as is the case with most contemporary researchers; rather, they consider the afterlife too. By reading the prophetic hadiths and traces related to the issue of migration, the researcher found that several benefits of migration were mentioned, both for this world and the afterworld, whether the migration is for the sake of good or fleeing from evil. The example of the first category is to migrate to seek halal livelihood, to learn helpful science, to adjacent the sacred sites, to perform Jihad for Allah's sake, or to seek recovery from diseases. The narrators of Hadith had an intensified interest in traveling to hear and learn the Hadiths from the time of the companions and their followers till the time being. The example of the second category is migration from a country where a Muslim is subjected to sedition in his religion and where evils are common, as well as migration from countries where Muslims are humiliated or where the Muslim is exposed to harm and fear for themselves and their family. The researcher intends to extrapolate the benefits of migration from what has been stated in the Hadiths, the rewards that Allah promised for it, as well as the worldly benefits, indicating the criterion used to distinguish between migration by choice and migration by necessity. The discussion will rely mainly on the Hadiths related to this issue.


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