Following the excavations at the beginning of the 20th century, recent architectural survey at the ancient city of Larisa (Buruncuk) has re-drawn the layout of the site, especially beyond the acropolis. The remains of the ancient city are spread over the two hills of the Buruncuk ridge: “Larisa East” is the higher hill with a strong fortress on the hilltop and a modest-size settlement below; “Larisa West” represents the acropolis furnished with monumental buildings, along with an extensive necropolis and urban areas. Besides, the lower area between the two hills is included to the city, offering agricultural facilities. Although the 20th century research was concentrated mostly on the acropolis, a few trial trenches were dug in the urban area of Larisa West. The revealed wall fragments led the archaeologists to suggest a grid-planned layout, which was widespread in the ancient Greek cities of 5th and 4th centuries BCE. As part of the ongoing survey this suggestion has been reviewed, and the urban area has been analyzed in detail considering the different architectural characteristics of the wall fragments and the topography. The existing data at Larisa is not enough to confirm the existence of a grid layout. However, the repeated orientations of the walls, a possible road line and the layout of some terrace walls allow to discuss a certain regularity and re-evaluate the urban features of Larisa with its unique context. "> [PDF] Questioning a grid-planned settlement structure at ancient Larisa (Buruncuk) | [PDF] Questioning a grid-planned settlement structure at ancient Larisa (Buruncuk) Following the excavations at the beginning of the 20th century, recent architectural survey at the ancient city of Larisa (Buruncuk) has re-drawn the layout of the site, especially beyond the acropolis. The remains of the ancient city are spread over the two hills of the Buruncuk ridge: “Larisa East” is the higher hill with a strong fortress on the hilltop and a modest-size settlement below; “Larisa West” represents the acropolis furnished with monumental buildings, along with an extensive necropolis and urban areas. Besides, the lower area between the two hills is included to the city, offering agricultural facilities. Although the 20th century research was concentrated mostly on the acropolis, a few trial trenches were dug in the urban area of Larisa West. The revealed wall fragments led the archaeologists to suggest a grid-planned layout, which was widespread in the ancient Greek cities of 5th and 4th centuries BCE. As part of the ongoing survey this suggestion has been reviewed, and the urban area has been analyzed in detail considering the different architectural characteristics of the wall fragments and the topography. The existing data at Larisa is not enough to confirm the existence of a grid layout. However, the repeated orientations of the walls, a possible road line and the layout of some terrace walls allow to discuss a certain regularity and re-evaluate the urban features of Larisa with its unique context. ">

Questioning a grid-planned settlement structure at ancient Larisa (Buruncuk)

Questioning a grid-planned settlement structure at ancient Larisa (Buruncuk)

Following the excavations at the beginning of the 20th century, recent architectural survey at the ancient city of Larisa (Buruncuk) has re-drawn the layout of the site, especially beyond the acropolis. The remains of the ancient city are spread over the two hills of the Buruncuk ridge: “Larisa East” is the higher hill with a strong fortress on the hilltop and a modest-size settlement below; “Larisa West” represents the acropolis furnished with monumental buildings, along with an extensive necropolis and urban areas. Besides, the lower area between the two hills is included to the city, offering agricultural facilities. Although the 20th century research was concentrated mostly on the acropolis, a few trial trenches were dug in the urban area of Larisa West. The revealed wall fragments led the archaeologists to suggest a grid-planned layout, which was widespread in the ancient Greek cities of 5th and 4th centuries BCE. As part of the ongoing survey this suggestion has been reviewed, and the urban area has been analyzed in detail considering the different architectural characteristics of the wall fragments and the topography. The existing data at Larisa is not enough to confirm the existence of a grid layout. However, the repeated orientations of the walls, a possible road line and the layout of some terrace walls allow to discuss a certain regularity and re-evaluate the urban features of Larisa with its unique context.


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