Investigations on the macroanatomy of canalis alimentarius in mole rats (Spalax leucodon)

Investigations on the macroanatomy of canalis alimentarius in mole rats (Spalax leucodon)

The aim of this study was to investigate the macroanatomical structures of canalis alimentarius organs in mole rats (Spalax leucodon). In this study, fifteen adult mole rats were used as material. Macroanatomically, the structural location and relationship of canalis alimentarius organs were investigated. In the macroanatomical evolution, the oesophagus having a diverticule structure was 7.67±0.82 cm in length. The gaster was located horizontally to the axis of body and there was a deep incisura angularis on the margin of curvatura ventriculi minoris. There were rugae folds in cardia, as part of the gaster. The intestinum tenue was 38.63±0.43 cm in length and the duodenum was located at dorsum near the median of cavum abdominis, the jejunum was located on the right of cavum abdominis. The end of ileum was markedly separated from ansa jejunal jejunum. The ileocecal papilla was not clearly visible on the ileocecal part. The intestinum crassum was 36.05±1.51 cm in length and the apex caeci was curled excessively and the haustrae were condensed on the parts of colon transversum and colon descendens. The colon continued as the colon descendens and terminated by forming the rectum in pelvic cavity. The rectum showed a funnel-style expansion and opened out in the anus. As a result of macroanatomical examination of alimentary structures, the organs of mole rats were different from other rodent species.


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