Eine Humanitâre Geste Der Kemalistischen Regıerung Gegenüber Der Christlichen Bevölkerung Wâhrend Des Türkischen Befreiungskriegsın Anatolien

Die national-patriotisch gesinnte kemalistische Bewegung, die zwi- schen 1919 und 1922 den türkischen Befreiungskrieg geführt hatte, ba- sierte auf rechtlichen und legitimen Grundlagen und verfolgte trotz der ausserordentlich schwierigen Situation im Lande eine humanitare Politik gegeniiber der nicht-mohammedanischen und nicht-türkischen Bevölkerung in ihrer Machtsphare in Anatolien.

Impact Of The San Remo Terms On Turkey And British Polıcy

After the First World War, the victorious Allied powers were unable to dispose of the Turkish question despite months of deliberation. The rivalry of the Allİed powers, particularly of Great Britain and France, över the lands of the old Ottoman Empire, the Greek occupation of Smyma in May 1919 and the subsequent rise of the Nationalİst Movement in the interior under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal *1 which resisted the post-war Allied adjustments and defied the inability of the Ottoman govemment to save the country from foreign invasİon, ali combined to make such a treaty impossible for the Allies. When anti-Nationalist Damad Ferid Paşa, the Grand Vizier and the Sultan's son-in-law, was İn power on 5 April 1920 for the fourth time, the British were confident that the Ottoman government in Constantinople was önce again in their camp. In British eyes, Damad Ferid was perhaps more sincerely convinced than any other statesman of the first rank that Turkey’s sole hope of salvatioıı lay in a good understanding with Great Britain. 2 Now, İt was time for the Allies to complete the Turkish treaty and force Damad Ferid to sign it. The Supreme council met at San Remo on 18 April with such a purpose in mind.

Turkey, British, Polıcy,


  • Atatürk, M. Kemal, Nutuk, Bd. I, Ankara 1981.
  • Özalp, Kazım, Millî Mücadele (1919-1922), Bd. I, Ankara 1971.
  • Lewis, Bernard, Modern Türkiye'nin Doğuşu, übersetzt ins Türkische von Metin Kıratlı, Ankara 1993.
  • Şimşir, Bilâl N., Malta Sürgünleri, Ankara 1985.
  • Jaeschke, Gotthard, Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı Kronolojisi, I. Buch, übersetzt ins Türkische von Nimet Arsan, Ankara 1970.
  • Siehe hierfür: Harry N. Howard, The Partition of Turkey, A Diplomatıc History (1913-1923), New York 1966.
  • Armaoğlu, Fahir, 20. Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarihî (1914-1980), Ankara 1988.
  • Anderson, M. S., The Great Powers and the Near East (1774-1923), London 1970.
  • Roepell, Richard, Die orientalische Frage in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung (1774-1830), Breslau 1854.
  • Sorel, Albert, La question d'Orient au, XVIII Siecle, Paris 1889.
  • Strupp, Kari, Ausgewahlte diplomatische Aktenstücke zur orientalischen Frage, Gotha 1916.
  • E. Adamow (Redakteur), Die europaischen Machte und die Türkei wahrend des Weltkrieges. Die Aufteilung der asiatîschen Türkei, Dresden 1932.
  • Olcay, Osman, Sevres Andlaşması'na Doğru, Ankara 1981.
  • Akşin, Sina, "Paris Barış Konferansı'nın Yunanlılar'ı İzmir'e Çıkarma Kararı, Türk-Yunan İlişkileri (20 Temmuz 1974’e kadar)", Üçüncü Askeri Tarih Semineri, Bildiriler, Gn. Kur. ATAŞE Bşk.lığı, Ankara 1986.
  • Kitsikis, Dimitri, Yunan Propagandası (übersetzt ins Türkische von Hakkı Devrim), İstanbul 1974.
  • Hatipoğlu, M. Murat, Yunanistan'daki Gelişmelerin Işığında Türk-Yunan İlişkilerinin 101 Yılı (1821-1922), Ankara 1985.
  • E. Veniselos, siehe: N. Petsalis, Diomidis, Greece at the Paris Peace Conference 1919. Thessaloniki 1978.
  • General Mayevski, Ermenilerin Yaptıkları Katliamlar, (übersetzt ins Türkische von Azmi Süslü), Ankara 1986.
  • Ottoman Archives-YıIdız Collection: The Arnıenian Question, Bde. I-XV, İstanbul 1989.
  • Yalazan, Talat, Türkiye'de Yunan Vahşet ve Soy Kırımı Girişimi (15 Mayıs 1919 - 9 Eylül 1922), Bde. I II, Ankara 1994.
  • Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Cumhuriyet Arşivi, Bakanlar Kurulu Fonu, Yer Nu: 3088 94-3 1,17.5.
  • Ilter, Erdal, Türkiye'de Sosyalist Ermeniler ve Silahlanma Faaliyetleri (1890-1923), İstanbul 1995.
  • Uras, Esat, Tarihte Ermeniler ve Ermeni Meselesi, İstanbul 1976.
  • Gürün, Kâmuran, Ermeni Dosyası, Ankara 1983.
  • Genelkurmay ATAŞE Başkanlığı, Askeri Tarih Belgeleri Dergisi, Ermeni Belgeleri, Özel Sayı (Sonderausgabe), Marz 1983, Nr. 83, Ankara 1983.
  • Siehe hierzu: Atatürk'ün Milli Dış Politikası (Milli Mücadele Dönemine Ait 100 Belge), Bd. I, Ankara 1994.
  • Atatürk'ün Söylev ve Demeçleri, Bd. I, Ankara 1989.