2015 Yılı Bayraklı Höyük Kazıları: Tunç Çağı Çalışmalarına Dair Ön Rapor


Bayraklı-Tepekule Mound (Old Smyrna) is located on the slope of Yamanlar Mountain in İzmir province and covers an area of approximately 100 hectares, which is surrounded by the modern city today. The excavations since 1948 indicate a long-standing background of the archaeological projects up to the present. However, the prehistoric periods of the mound are still very little known since the previous projects were mainly engaged in the Hellenic period by reason of the fact that a large Hellenic city remains standing on the mound. New excavations in Bayraklı have been proceeding since 2014 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Cumhur Tanrıver from Ege University. A team, the present authors also participated, conducted the prehistoric excavations for a month in August 2015. Area H was chosen for the beginning of the prehistoric excavations, for the upper layers (Iron Age) of this trench was removed during the old excavations period. According to the publications, the earliest date of this trench is around 1050-1000 BC which corresponding to the Early Iron Age. Excavations in Area H enlighten the knowledge about Bronze Ages. Totally, three layers were uncovered in this trench. The upper layer, named as Layer I, represented by the stone architectural elements and a pithos. The stones were used for supporting the pithos in three directions. Some complete vessels were found as in situ on this stone filling area. The pottery obtained from this area is characterized by the course- handmade and dark faced pottery. Layer II and III are represented by the mudbrick structures such as ovens and basin like places. The most characteristic features of the Level II pottery is the existence of light surface treatment in the color of buff or cream. However, the earliest layer (Layer III) points the occurrence of red slipped pottery for the first time. As a conclusion, 2015 excavations in the Area H provide data, dating to the Late and Middle Bronze Ages, in total of three layers. As mentioned above, the exact dates of these layers will be understand after detailed examinations on pottery and radiocarbon analysis. Since excavated area is very little, it is hard for now to predict the general settlement plan during these periods. We hope to have a comprehensive knowledge with the help of the excavations in a wider area in the next year.


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